Psychologist clarifies – Corona: Tips on how to endure the pandemic better

Despite some glimmers of hope, the pandemic is dragging on. A challenging time for the psyche. The “Krone” asked the Innsbruck psychologist Oswald Hosny for tips for well-being.

The past two years have probably not been easy for anyone. Job loss, short-time work, fear of existence. Children, young people and students in distance learning. They weren’t able to gain important experience. No parties, no club evenings, no concerts. Many people feel overwhelmed by the information overload. The pandemic and pandemic management are causing fear, uncertainty and depression. Cracks are running through society, the fronts are hardening. Just in time for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, a new virus variant also unsettled. As resilient as the psyche may be, many are slowly getting sick of the substance. It is all the more important to take care of yourself. Psychologist Oswald Hosny gives tips in an interview with the “Tiroler Krone”. At the same time, he also makes it clear: “If I give ten people a painkiller, it affects everyone differently.” Ultimately, individual advice is needed, and living conditions must also be taken into account. The psyche is comparable to a house with floors. He compares the human psyche with a house. Deep-seated worries slumber in the basement: fear of not being loved, of not being enough or of being abandoned. On the first floor are the current burdens, for example insecurity, powerlessness, isolation, fear of existence in the pandemic. “The pandemic lures the deep-seated out of the basement and brings it to light,” explains Hosny. So now is the opportunity to clean the basement. Meanwhile, you can try to make what you cannot change more bearable. So it means making the first floor more bearable in order to prevent things from moving from there to the basement and staying there, i.e. manifesting themselves. It is important to remain active: “We live in a consumer society. We sit down in front of the television and let ourselves be sprinkled. That’s okay too. But you should see what you can do to spend the time sensibly.” Even if it doesn’t seem like it: Despite the pandemic, a lot is still possible – especially in Tyrol. “Lockdowns, on the other hand, are bad for us in the long run,” Hosny is certain. “If the lockdown had been continuous for two years, the situation would be much worse.” Same problems as before, but amplified. However, he also notes that “psychiatric wards were already full before the pandemic. Now there are opportunities to fill them up even more.” He also sees this in his own practice, which was well attended even before the pandemic. Since Corona, people have not really come to him with other problems either: “The problems have become stronger and more frequent.” Ultimately, Hosny believes: “The consequential damage is yet to come.” This agrees with statements by other experts in psychology. Therefore, according to Hosny, it is important to pay attention to well-being now. Maybe a few tips will help or you need professional help. Since October 2020, you can call the Corona Worry Hotline. In November, the psychologists made 381 phone calls there. The aim is to de-escalate the acute stressful situation and to work out solutions. The psychosocial crisis service also makes house calls at weekends. There is help. Dial 0800 400 120 (Corona concern hotline), 142 (telephone counseling), contact a therapist or psychiatrists.
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