Psychology: 3 signs that other people are intimidated by you

3 signs that other people are intimidated by you

Psychology: Anyone who is self-confident quickly intimidates other people.

If other people behave strangely towards us, it could be because we are unconsciously intimidating them – these are signs you can tell whether the person you are talking to feels inferior to you.

Our counterpart clearly doesn’t feel well – but what could be the reason? People react in a variety of ways when they feel uncomfortable or intimidated in a situation. Often there are small clues in their behavior that reveal that they don’t feel completely safe.

Psychology: 3 signs someone is intimidated by you

Body language and verbal cues can reveal a lot about whether someone is intimidated around you. In the video we go into more detail about the signs that can tell you that someone doesn’t feel completely comfortable around you – and how you can best behave in the situation.


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