Psychology: 3 signs you have good intuition

gut feeling
3 signs you have good intuition

© yolya_ilyasova / Adobe Stock

You just have a bad feeling about certain things without being able to say exactly where it comes from? Then you probably have a very good intuition. 3 signs that speak for it.

The job offer sounds almost perfect. The area of ​​responsibility is exciting, the team seems likeable, the salary is right. But something just feels wrong. You can’t exactly say why, but you just feel that this job (now) isn’t right for you. Congratulations, you seem to be a very intuitive person! Because if we really listen to ourselves, we usually know whether a decision is the right one. A lot of people just forgot how to do it.

These 3 things show that you have good intuition

1. Vivid Dreams

Our dreams say a lot about us – especially on the subconscious level. Because our brain often processes things during sleep that we try to suppress when we are awake or that we do not (or cannot) see for other reasons. Our intuition forms a kind of bridge between our conscious and the unconscious.

When people say they never dream anything, that’s not true. We basically dream something every night, but many people can’t remember it the next day. If you are one of those people who have particularly vivid dreams that feel very real, then this indicates a strong intuition.

2. You have a good sense of emotions

A good sense of emotion can also be a sign that you are highly intuitive – both for your own and for those of others. Because the prerequisite for developing a good gut feeling is, of course, that you are in good contact with your emotions and can classify them.

This sensitivity is then transferred to dealing with other people. Good intuition and empathy often go hand in hand. Do you quickly get a good feel for the mood of a person or a group – even without anyone saying anything? Then you will intuitively feel which vibes are currently in the room and which moods and sensitivities could still play a role.

3. You have a strong inner voice

Sometimes, all of a sudden, seemingly random thoughts and answers pop up in your head that you actually can’t even know? This has nothing to do with mumbo-jumbo, but simply that your intuition is very strong and makes itself felt with such promptings.

For example, this can be a situation like the job offer at the beginning of this text: You have no rational explanation for it, but your inner voice simply tells you that it would be the wrong decision. Over time, it becomes more and more clear why, for example, the job is not the right one – be it because a better offer was waiting for you or because the team spirit and working conditions are actually not as rosy as you first thought.

The more you train your intuition, the more you will feel such things, or rather: the more you will listen to your inner voice.

This is how you strengthen your intuition

You feel that your intuition sometimes wants to show you the right way – but somehow your voice is still too quiet? With these tips you can strengthen your gut feeling.

  1. meditate Especially in classic mindfulness meditation, you practice being a neutral observer and only perceiving what is happening. You learn to let your thoughts come and go without judging them. The more you succeed in this, the more chance your intuition has to find its way up – past outdated beliefs and unnecessary evaluations.
  2. dream journal. We have already discussed how important your dreams are. Maybe it will help you if you deal a little more with your dream world. A good way is to write down in a journal what you dreamed of that night as soon as you wake up in the morning. The more you listen to your unconscious, the better you can use it.
  3. body feeling But intuition doesn’t just happen in your head – it also happens in your body. After all, it’s not called gut feeling for nothing. Just as meditating can train you to see your thoughts and emotions clearly, you can also practice listening to your body and its feelings. When you think about something, do parts of your body tense up, like your shoulders, or does your stomach contract? Then it may well be that your intuition wants to tell you something. Practice feeling into your body for big and small decisions.

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