Psychology: 4 phrases to prevent gaslighting and manipulation

Toxic phrases
4 phrases to prevent gaslighting and manipulation

If we choose our words carelessly, we can hurt the other person.

Sentences like “You overreact” or “You don’t know how to joke” have probably been heard or even used by everyone. In fact, these are a form of gaslighting. If you want to treat your fellow human beings with respect, you should try these alternatives.

We understand the term gaslighting to be a form of emotional abuse in which our counterpart wants to distort our perception so much that we no longer trust ourselves. But sometimes we can also manipulate other people in this way ourselves – maybe even completely unconsciously.

Anyone who uses these phrases has a toxic effect on others

It is not uncommon for us to use phrases that may seem completely common, but with which we could hurt the feelings of our loved ones. To prevent this, we have found a respectful alternative for you to four typically manipulative sentences. You can see what they are in the video.

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