Psychology: 5 signs that a mental spring cleaning would do you good

5 signs that a mental spring cleaning would do you good

Do you not only need order in your house, but also in your head?

Spring is just around the corner. While many are now thinking about spatial spring cleaning, a mental restructuring could also be beneficial for some.

The sun is showing itself more and more, the sky is shining a strong blue and everywhere the world seems to be coming to life again. Spring is just around the corner and with it comes many people the desire and energy for traditional spring cleaning. The perfect time to spruce up your home – but who says spring cleaning has to be limited to material things?

Spring cleaning with a difference

Spring cleaning can also take place on a completely different level. For example, as an opportunity to organize your thoughts and restore order on the mental level. Maybe it’s time to “wipe away” old negative thought patterns and make room for positive ones. We’ll show you in the video whether you’re one of those people who could use such a mental spring cleaning


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