Psychology: 5 strategies to strengthen your intuition

5 strategies to strengthen your intuition

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Do you feel like you’re very mental and rarely make decisions based on your gut? These tips can help you find more trust in your intuition.

Stomach or head? To make really good decisions, we usually need both. Because no matter how good a pros and cons list is, it won’t help us if we completely ignore our feelings. But just listening to our gut and ignoring any rational considerations is rarely a good solution.

The most important prerequisite for our head and our gut to work well together and help us make smart decisions is that we trust both. When we think rationally, this is easier for most of us, after all, we work with our heads most of the day – we think it will do it right. But ours We often don’t trust intuition so easily. Sometimes we have a particularly good or bad feeling, but push it aside because it doesn’t fit with what our head is telling us.

Do you have the feeling that the relationship between intuition and reason is out of balance? With these strategies, you may be able to listen to your gut more.

These tips can help you strengthen your intuition

1. Find silence

An important tool for becoming more intuitive is mindfulness. This includes meditation – consciously immersing yourself in silence and the here and now – but also everyday moments in which we can practice being more present. For example, we can go for a walk in nature and not listen to any music, audio books or podcasts. Instead, we can enjoy the silence and be aware of what is happening around us, what sounds and smells there are, what we see and what we feel. This way we can get in touch with ourselves better and strengthen our intuition in the long term.

2. Take dreams seriously

Our dreams are a manifestation of our unconscious. We process everything that we experience, see and feel while awake while we sleep. And that’s exactly why our dreams are such an important access to our psyche. A dream diary, for example, can possibly help you to become more aware of what your brain processes and, above all, makes of it during the night.

3. Get creative

Creativity is also an important bridge to our intuition. No matter whether we paint, do crafts or write – when we activate the creative part of our brain, we also strengthen our intuition. Try drawing freely, coloring something or perhaps writing in a diary.

4. Allow feelings

Many people find it difficult to get involved with their emotions. They would rather not feel unpleasant feelings such as pain or anger in the first place and so try to suppress or rationalize the emotions. But if we strengthen the connection to our feelings, we also clear the way for our intuition. Ultimately, intuition is nothing more than a feeling – we instinctively feel whether a decision is right or wrong for us.

5. Build self-confidence

We all have an intuition – it is hardwired into our brains. Why is it so difficult for some people to really feel them and listen to them? On the one hand, this has to do with practice: the more often we listen to ourselves and actively perceive our intuitive reaction to something, the easier it will become for us. But it often fails because we simply don’t trust ourselves enough. And if we don’t believe we understand something or can judge something well, we won’t listen to our intuition. Consciously observe your thoughts and your inner critic: Every time you think something negative about yourself, correct this view and actively tell yourself something positive. This can help you strengthen your intuition in the long term.

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