Psychology: 7 factors determine how you are doing

Psychologist reveals
7 factors determine how you are doing

© KIRYAKOVA ANNA / Shutterstock

How do you feel today We reveal here which factors our well-being mainly depends on.

How are you? The question of how you feel is probably the most frequently asked everyday question in the world. But we rarely take the time to answer them honestly and in detail. After all, the questioning person often doesn’t really care how we feel anyway. Or we don’t want to tell her. Or we don’t really know ourselves. Because in the morning we just got up mechanically to play our usual program. And for that, our well-being is largely irrelevant – at least as long as it isn’t too bad for too long. Then at the latest, in addition to the question of how, the question of why …

On the other hand, our well-being also plays a role in how we interpret and perceive the world: When we are doing well, life usually appears beautiful and our fellow human beings are friendly, if we feel bad, we sometimes interpret a wrong look as Declaration of war. In this respect, it can certainly do no harm to deal with the question of why we feel, how we feel – even if nobody really cares about the answer to how.

7 factors that significantly influence our well-being

According to the psychologist and book author Marian Rojas Estapé (“How to make something good happen to you”), our wellbeing depends largely on seven factors:

  • External circumstances
  • physical health
  • attitude
  • personality
  • biochemistry
  • sleep
  • Intoxicants

We have a great deal of influence over some of these factors (intoxicants) and only a little over others (external circumstances). Now let’s look at what exactly is meant by the individual aspects.

External circumstances

External circumstances such as stress at work, construction noise on the roof of our apartment or even the weather affect our mood, whether we like it or not. When we are in a bad mood, it can therefore help to go to a nice place or to spend energy on changing something in the living conditions that are dragging us down – if that is possible.

Physical health

Our health is a huge factor for our well-being – and we usually notice this especially when we are sick or injured. Physical limitations always burden our psyche to a great extent and can lead to us being more irritable and sensitive than usual. Behaving as healthy as possible and listening to the signals from our body can therefore not only have a positive effect on our lifespan, but also on its quality. (Of course there are many diseases that we cannot protect ourselves from with anything …)


By attitude, the author basically means our attitude towards life. Do we generally assume the worst in order not to be disappointed? Or do we hope for the best and then see how we deal in the event of disappointment? Do we struggle with being dependent on others? Or do we see it as a relief that everything is not in our hands and responsibility? Even if there is probably not one, universal optimal posture for every person, a more optimistic attitude has the advantage that our “brain can be activated in an impressive way”, according to the psychologist. In addition, it usually has a beneficial effect on our well-being. But in the end we all have to find out for ourselves which attitude we best drive with in detail – through trial and error, error, reflection and adaptation.


Even if we created the same framework, two different people in the same situation would never feel exactly the same. We all have different personality traits that shape us and influence our well-being. Some are particularly sensitive, others have a tendency to extremes, and still others tend to direct their anger against themselves. Knowing yourself as well as possible is therefore very helpful in understanding your own feelings and feelings.


According to Marian Estapé, our biochemical prerequisites or our genes have an influence on whether we are prone to depression or certain mental disorders, for example. Our hormonal balance or fluctuations and changes in it also affect our well-being – many women notice this, for example, during pregnancy or during their menstruation.


We probably all know from our own experience: The quality of our sleep depends on our quality of wakefulness. “A lack of or insufficient relaxation makes you thin-skinned and irritable,” writes Marian Estapé. “Nightmares, waking up frequently, sleeping lightly or feeling inadequate recovery are some of the main causes of visits to the family doctor, neurologist or psychiatrist.” Against this background: good night!


Alcohol and drugs offer us a change from our everyday selves. When we are under the influence of intoxicants, we feel differently than usual and that can be very appealing and sometimes also relieving. But, of course, consumption harbors dangers: In addition to addiction and dependence, it can profoundly change our mental state, warns the psychologist, as does our interpretation of reality – not to mention our physical health. But that a careful and careful use of intoxicants is important, we do not have to emphasize for the x-millionth time …

Source used: “How to make good things happen to you” (Marian Rojas Estapé)
