Psychology: 7 little things that make you happy – without you noticing it

If you do these little things, you will be happier inside than you think

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As the saying goes: It’s the little things in life that make you happy. But we all forget that from time to time. Time to remember her.

Sometimes we feel stressed, perhaps overwhelmed, and definitely somehow unhappy. The smallest trigger can be responsible for this and we fall into a depressed mood. First of all: It’s good to allow your emotions, to grieve, to be angry sometimes. Depending on the extent, you may also want to seek professional help. However, if it is a minor matter that only makes you unhappy or upset for a short time, we can help ourselves by remembering what is really important in life – and whether everything is actually as bad as it seems feels like the moment. Often they are things that seem quite banal Little things that make us happier inside than we currently think we are.

Note: Of course, these little things cannot be applied to serious problems and strokes of fate. We just want to offer a way out of the little everyday annoyances that spoil our mood without us noticing.

Small everyday moments that bring us inner happiness

1. You love mornings

If you like to get up early in the morning, you probably know the feeling of calm and inner peace – especially now in spring, when the birds chirp and the first rays of sun appear in the sky as you wake up comfortably in bed. Even if you are already thinking about the to-dos of the day – at this moment you feel happiness and joy inside. A good moment to pause and remember during the day.

2. You enjoy nature

Studies show that if you enjoy walking outside, you are more balanced and happier inside. While we are flooded with stimuli in everyday life, we relax in nature, relieve stress and become happier. Even illnesses should be able to be prevented. If you consciously value the time in the park, at the lake or in the forest, listening to the sounds and observing the animals, you have already found a wonderful balance for yourself.

3. You hear your favorite song

It is well known that music can evoke different feelings. When we listen to our favorite song, we feel a lot of joy – at least in most cases. So if we listen to our favorite song or hum along, it’s a sign that we feel good. Who doesn’t know that feeling of good mood when you start smiling and nodding your head during a song?

4. You like reading

Studies have shown that reading can dramatically reduce stress – even more than listening to music or taking a walk. Do you enjoy reading? Then that makes you more relaxed and happier inside than you probably think. And at the same time, it trains your cognitive skills, including your ability to concentrate.

5. You laugh out loud

If you laugh loudly, all the muscles in your body tense – which then relax again and lead to a reduction in stress, researchers found. The immune system should also be promoted. Two reasons why laughter is even used in therapy today. If you laugh loudly, the happy hormones serotonin and endorphin are released – and your body and mind automatically feel relaxed and happy inside.

6. You do something just for fun

Do you worry a lot about what others think of you? This can be stressful and sad. But think about what you actually do just for yourself, just for fun – a hobby perhaps? Or take time for an evening with your best friend? Or for a relaxing bath? It doesn’t matter: If you pursue something in your life that you just do for fun, it can make you internally happy for the long term.

7. You live in the now

Memories and anticipation can be nice, but I’m usually happiest when we live in the present. Don’t constantly dwell on the past and don’t just think about the future. Simply live today – if you do that, it speaks of inner satisfaction, even if it doesn’t always feel like it between stress and arguments.

These seven little things show: You don’t need great successes or material things to be happy. Sometimes it’s enough to simply realize what we already have and do in life to realize that we’re actually feeling happy inside. We just have to pay more attention.

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