Psychology: 8 sentences that we say to ourselves when we are overthinking everything

Overthinking Queen?
8 sentences that we say to ourselves when we think about everything again

© BublikHaus / Shutterstock

What did I just say? What did he:she mean by that? Am I getting on the nerves of those around me? Do I care enough about her? And was the last decision really the right one? These are just five common thoughts that some of us may have found ourselves thinking. At least those who clicked on this article because they were magically attracted to the word “Overthinking Queen”. Hello, welcome, you’ve come to the right place!

Thoughts are a miracle of our consciousness. Sometimes they make our lives a little difficult. For example, if after a day we suddenly question how we behaved – even though everything was completely normal. When we ask ourselves at night what would have happened if we had chosen a different path three years ago – even though there is nothing we can do about it anyway. And when we interpret more into a fellow human being’s sentence than the words count.

The examples have one thing in common: the way we think about them will hardly change reality. That’s why we can save it right away. But because this is much easier said than not thought, our heads could use a little training. We choose mantras as a practice unit. If we say these to ourselves very often, at some point they become burned into our consciousness – a thought tattoo, so to speak, that always pulls us out of our brooding spirals when we need it.

8 sentences that help against overthinking

Others take themselves much more seriously than me.

If you ever wonder whether you behaved correctly or behaved strangely in some way, a very simple reminder can help: most of your thoughts are much more about yourself than about others – so you often pay attention to your own mistakes but not others stand out once. Perception is always subjective and people often forget unpleasant situations much more quickly than the ones they supposedly happened to.

When I think of one of my best friend’s quirks, I have to smile.

Honestly, when you think about your best friend, several quirks come to mind. But at the same time, you have to smile when you think about it, because usually it’s exactly this person that makes you really lovable. Others will feel the same way about you.

Will I remember this problem when I’m 80?

Zoom out once, please! This question makes problems seem wonderfully small.

I don’t have to achieve anything to be lovable.

Similar belief: I am enough. Many of us are convinced that we have to achieve something in order to be liked. Let’s reprogram ourselves.

There is no one “that’s how you do it” way.

Comparisons are the slide into the rumination spiral. It always seems to you as if everyone else is coping with life easier and better – that’s a fallacy. At the same time, we probably wouldn’t be happy with other people’s paths because there isn’t a single solution for everyone. Nobody has to like your life as much as you do.

It’s okay to be afraid.

Also helpful because the more we suppress fear, the stronger it becomes. Let’s take a look at her and ask her what she’s trying to protect us from.

Millions of people are racking their brains just like I am.

If we’re already in the overthinking boat, it’s very comforting to know: we’re not paddling alone. There are probably a lot of people right now who are racking their brains just like you are and are also trying to hide it from others.

If you stress yourself out before a stressful appointment, you will achieve nothing but double the stress.

There’s an important appointment coming up in two weeks – but you’ve been worried since you made it. Sure, you can’t just switch off your thoughts. But this mantra helps us learn to stress only once – when the deadline arrives and not before.

I want to live in peace with myself and those around me.

A wonderful principle for not always questioning yourself and your relationships: if you are always authentic, you have nothing to regret. Because that’s just you, with quirks, certainly with mistakes – but full of honesty.


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