Psychology: If you like this song, you could be a psychopath

If you like this song, you could be a psychopath

© Illia Hnuskin/shutterstock

What songs are on your playlist? If this hit from the 2000s is included, you may have psychopathic tendencies.

Sure, tastes in music are different. While one listens to pop chart music, the other likes rock or classical music. The fact is that you can learn a lot about a person’s character from their taste in music. A British study shows that people who display psychopathic traits are more into rap and heavy metal.

Tell me what you hear – and I’ll tell you who you are

Researchers from New York University wanted to know more: they had 200 subjects listen to 260 pieces of music. Again Guardians reported that those who scored high as psychopaths on the tests particularly liked songs like “Lose Yourself” by Eminem or “No Diggity” by Blackstreet.

And otherwise? According to scientists, there are other songs that psychopaths like even more. In order not to endanger further studies, they did not want to name them.

And which songs are “harmless”?

The test subjects who liked to listen to “My Sharona” by The Knacks or “Titanium” by Sia got off best. Ah yes, that would be our favorite songs from now on…


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