Psychology: Men share the nicest compliments they have ever received from a woman

7 men tell: this is the best compliment I have ever received from a woman

© Anton Mukhin / Shutterstock

Want to compliment someone they’ll never forget? A little inspiration can certainly not hurt.

Compliments affect everyone differently. Some are most happy when someone appreciates something in them that they particularly doubt and of which they are extremely unsure. It means the world to others when they receive confirmation for a cause of which they are also incredibly proud. It can also make a difference whether we receive a compliment from a man or a woman – and some compliments may affect men differently than women. In short: it is not that easy to give compliments. But when in doubt, it is better to get out of it and learn from the reaction of the other person than to resist. Because there is usually a greater chance that a compliment will have a positive effect than a negative one.

at Reddit Numerous men have shared compliments received from a woman that made them especially happy. So if you are looking for inspiration, you might find it here.

7 men share the best compliment they’ve ever received from a woman

1. Protector

“When I was accompanying a colleague of mine to the bus stop, she said to me: ‘I feel safe with you.’ As a tall, hairy man with a criminal face and a deep voice, I’ve never heard anything like it. It’s been six years now and I’m still thinking about it. “

2. Sparkle in the eyes

“I got my personal favorite compliment when I wasn’t in a good mood and went to get a cinnamon bun to cheer me up. Everyone in my family has light eyes except me (mine are dark brown). When I placed my order, they saw me The woman at the cash register for a few seconds and then told me that I have very beautiful eyes because they sparkle. Since then I have valued my eyes a lot more. “

3. Sun child

“A woman I worked with once said to me: ‘You are always so positive and optimistic. It’s nice to have someone like you as a colleague.’ That made me sad Spacko very happy and proud. “

4. Adorable conversationalist

“A couple of girls once called me ‘adorable’. And a close friend of mine said you could talk to me in a very relaxed manner. Both compliments meant a lot to me.”

Sympathetic woman

5. Not bad at all

“My best friend and I keep poking each other. I find her attractive, but I’ve never told her. Once she said to me, completely suddenly and without context: ‘Man, honestly, you don’t look bad at all . ‘ Made my day! “

6. You have what it takes

“My boss said to me: ‘If you knew what kind of people sometimes apply to our company, you would understand why we are so excited when we meet someone like you.’ That touched me – as a young professional – extremely. “

7. My hero

“Once I wanted to get a snack from the machine between two seminars at university. The woman in front of me had already thrown money into it, but the goods were stuck. Apparently she ran out of coins and was angry. I stepped forward, dialed the bar directly over her stuck snack, which loosened her purchase and both fell into the counter. She beamed at me and said, ‘My hero!’ “

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