Psychology: The 9 formula will make you more relaxed!

bit by bit
With the 9 formula you will be more relaxed in everyday life

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We are actually fine – and yet we are often frustrated, dissatisfied or annoyed in everyday life. With the 9 formula, we push our mood where it belongs: up!

1. Please don’t get upset!

Drivers who don’t blink, bad weather or the endless queue at the checkout – there are enough reasons to get annoyed in everyday life. But regular whining makes you dissatisfied, unpopular and even sick. Many scientists believe that constant complainers often suffer from diseases such as depression, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. And what very few people know: the brain stores negative thoughts. So if you see everything with more serenity, you will quickly notice the positive effect. And let’s be honest, a lot is often only half as bad.

2. Are those who don’t exercise unhappy?

Not per se, but watching your favorite series every day and eating chips – it may be tempting, but does not produce happiness hormones in the long term. Our tip: Do the first 20 minutes of fitness exercise while watching TV and then relax on the couch. In general, exercise makes us happy. A research team at the Central Institute for Mental Health in Mannheim found that even everyday activities such as climbing stairs or walking to the subway have a positive effect on well-being. So you don’t have to run a 10-kilometer run every day to be happier.

3. Strength lies in rest

Those who see things with ease and always have a bit of humor left will go through life much happier than those who only see the negative. The best example: the search for a parking space. If you fear not to find a parking space before you arrive, you will arrive stressed at your destination. On the other hand, those who relax and drive three laps around the block will appear relaxed and happy. Ideally, plan a time buffer for a relaxed search.

4. Cleaning creates a good mood

The secret recipe against stress is: tidying up, mucking out and cleaning. Firstly, housework relaxes us because we switch off our heads and create a feel-good effect. Secondly, cleaning ensures a sense of achievement in the shortest possible time and thirdly, a well-stocked wardrobe makes you happier.

5. Friluftsliv …

… is the name of the trend from Norway, which is about spending a lot of time in the fresh air. Whether active in sports or camping – for Scandinavians, time in nature is the alpha and omega for a good body feeling as well as mental well-being. A study was published in the specialist publication “Scientific Reports”, which shows that around 2 hours in the great outdoors are hugely beneficial to health. The Japanese are also convinced of this. Shinrin Yoku, translated as “healing forest bathing”, is the name of conscious forest walks. But be careful! This is not about walking or running, but mindful strolling that makes you happy and healthy.

6. The right music does it

As relaxing as a podcast is in the bathtub in the evening, good mood music in the shower in the morning is just as encouraging. This is because the blood circulation is stimulated when listening to music and dopamine is released. Researchers at McGill University in Montreal, Canada found that it made us feel happy and motivated. So the perfect happy start to the day.

7. Out of your head, out of your mind

If you are troubled by bad thoughts, you should pick up a pen and paper and write everything down. Such a list can promote a good night’s sleep, especially before going to sleep. And as most people know: good sleep has a positive effect on our overall mood.

8. Declaration of love to the moment

Live not in the past, not in the future, but in the here and now. This is exactly what life coach Lars Amend preaches in his book “It’s all good”. He writes that it’s about consciously enjoying the present. This leads to a happier life than those who constantly brood over the past or plan the future. According to Amend, happiness is always just a matter of perspective that we should learn to switch.

9. Soul fodder

Too much is of course not healthy, but a nice piece of chocolate is THE pick-me-up in general. Certain ingredients are responsible for this, such as caffeine or theobromine that may be contained, which have a positive effect on mood. In addition, our body converts the substance tryptophan into the happiness hormone serotonin, which makes you happy for a brief moment. For all those who are looking for happiness in chocolate: There are more of these ingredients in dark chocolate than in milk chocolate. Bon Appetit!
