Psychology: These 7 seemingly normal things are red flags

betrayed by psychologists
7 seemingly normal things that are actually red flags

© Maria Evseyeva / Shutterstock

Everything paletti with you and your loved ones? Then these behaviors certainly don’t seem familiar to you…

As humans, we get used to pretty much anything. Once we’ve gotten used to something, we consider it totally “normal” and don’t really notice it. Are we e.g. For example, if we are alive and well for a while, over time we forget how lucky that actually is. If we are allergic to nuts, after a few weeks we no longer even notice that the first thing we do when we go shopping is to check the list of ingredients and inform the waiter in the restaurant when we order. Similarly, unhealthy behaviors and habits can foolishly creep into our lives that we may not notice at first but after a while. Spooky right?!

But fortunately we live in the 21st century and there is “Reddit“, where therapists and psychologists also get their load off their chests – and let us know which behaviors many people do not consider to be of concern, although from a psychological point of view they certainly are…

Psychologists reveal: 7 warning signs that many consider normal

1. All for one

“If everyone in a family feels responsible for keeping a certain family member happy or uplifting, that’s not healthy. Everyone is responsible for their own feelings. It’s nobody’s job to make others happy.”

Signs you don't love yourself: A young woman hides under her sweater

2. Problem avoidance

“Unhealthy problem-solving strategies. For example, drinking frequently to relax or smoking heavily. Also, something like promiscuity can be a red flag and indicate that someone is distracting themselves to avoid doing something that is stressing them out.”

3. Fighting among children

“When children run away or often fight, it is often dismissed as ‘normal’ – but it is not!”

4. Silence

“When someone withdraws and stops communicating with others, there’s usually something wrong (not always, some just happen to be quieter than others). If a person speaks little and is very quiet even in the presence of those closest to them, it’s best to talk to an expert to be sure. I’ve dealt with people who have literally gone silent from being abused and silence has always been one of the most obvious symptoms. I’ve also known people who have been in a clean environment Live but just can’t communicate due to extreme anxiety.”

5. Mood swings

“If a person’s mood swings from one extreme to the other often or regularly, that’s at least a concern. Sometimes such people are simply labeled as eccentric or their whims as hormonal, but in fact mood swings can indicate many different problems, from bipolar disorder to to post-traumatic stress disorder.”

6. Self-sabotage

“Self-destructive behavior can make life very difficult very quickly. Anyone who has experienced something that has weighed heavily on them and finds that they often behave unreasonably and illogically should seek advice from an expert. You don’t have to have a specific disorder or diagnosis to ask for help.

7. Procrastination

“Inability to act, that is, the inability to do something that needs to be done, is one of the main symptoms of attention deficit disorder. If you have other symptoms (impulsiveness, impatience, mood swings), you should consult a doctor.”


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