“Purchasing power can be a real electoral serial killer”

Tribune. Can communication that does not meet individual experiences and representations be effective? In a context of generalized mistrust, can brandishing “rational legal” statistics from INSEE really change a feeling, a perception?

On the question of purchasing power, the presidential and government words are not performative: it is not enough to say that it has increased for it to be in the minds of the French. The President of the Republic therefore finds himself confronted with the threatening shadow of dissatisfaction which has already claimed several victims in the past. Purchasing power can be a real electoral serial killer.

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He killed Lionel Jospin in 2002. The question of insecurity has often been put forward to explain the rout of the left. We have forgotten how much the question of purchasing power, perhaps in a more insidious and underground way, had also weakened the candidacy of the leader of the Socialist Party (PS). Prime Minister, Lionel Jospin lost 20 popularity points before the electoral failure of the 2001 municipal elections, following (already!) A rise in fuel prices exasperating public opinion. He will not recover from it, until the crash of April 21.

The fall of Sarkozy and Holland

The left pays, that day, to have given the priority to the time against the money in the implementation of the thirty-five hours. Arbitration is a winner for executives, and their working time reduction package (RTT) which extends their leave, losing for workers and employees, who, for a few unnecessary minutes of break in addition, see their wages frozen. “Wage moderation” is badly experienced by those who suffer the most from the financial constraint: the popular classes are turning away from the PS candidate during the first round of the presidential election, leading him to his loss.

He killed Nicolas Sarkozy in 2012. Elected on the promise of ” Work more to earn more “, the outgoing president is beaten on his no or on his bad realization. Post-financial crisis austerity and tax increases were right, in the perceptions of the French, of the tax exemption for overtime.

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He contributed to the impediment of François Hollande in 2017, the increase in taxation having largely contributed to permanently straining the popularity of the socialist president. He has continued his journey ever since. Carried by an unprecedented and spontaneous movement, he appeared dressed in “yellow vests” on the roundabouts and made the power tremble.

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