Queen Camilla puts an end to a tradition that dated back to the Middle Ages

Make way for modernity at Buckingham Palace. The queen consort has decided to break with a medieval tradition, that of “ladies in company”, according to the BBC.

By The Point.fr

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Exit the “ladies in company”. Make way for the “companions of the queen”. Charles III’s wife, Queen Consort Camilla, has decided to break with tradition by dispensing with “Ladies-in-waiting”, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Since the Middle Ages, these women, generally from an aristocratic background, accompanied the queen on a daily basis. Elizabeth II’s eleven ladies-in-waiting thus acted like Swiss army knives, helping her to answer her mail, collect bouquets of flowers and other presents during her travels, manage her schedule, stay informed of the news or keep your wardrobe.

Camilla would have decided to do without this ubiquitous company paid by the Royal Household. The septuagenarian would have preferred to appoint six of her relatives to the rank of “Queen’s Companions”, as well as a private secretary and an assistant. These people will assist the wife of Charles III only occasionally and informally, on the occasion of official engagements. On the other hand, they will not have to deal with the mail or the administration of the queen consort. According to the BBC, these are honorary positions and these people will not be paid for this task. Only “their expenses will be covered”.

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The “ladies in company” of the late Queen Elizabeth II will be promoted to the rank of “ladies of the house” (“Ladies of the Household”) and will now have the task of helping the king organize events at Buckingham Palace .

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