Queen Elizabeth: Her favorite courtier is now nursing her to health

Queen Elizabeth
Her favorite courtier is now nursing her to health

© Alan Crowhurst / Getty Images

News about the British royals in the GALA ticker: Queen Elizabeth receives touching support.

News about the royals in the GALA ticker

November 1, 2021

Queen Elizabeth: “Tall Paul” supports you to get fit again

After Queen Elizabeth, 95, recently had to spend a night in hospital, she had to cancel her participation in the UN climate conference COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, with a heavy heart. In addition, the monarch will only attend digital appointments in the next two weeks, the queen should take a rest on the advice of her doctors, the palace confirmed.

During this time she has one person above all at her side: Favorite courtier Paul Whybrew, 62, who is also known as “Tall Paul” because of his height of 1.90 meters. The 62-year-old is considered indispensable by the monarch, watches television with her and is one of the few people allowed to keep the Queen company while recovering.

Paul Whybrew

Paul Whybrew

© Indigo / Getty Images

Paul Whybrew was also seen in the London 2012 Olympics opening sketch when the Queen was out for a walk with Daniel Craig, 53. A source at the palace confirmed to DailyMail: “The Queen is very grateful for the loyal support she has received from him.”

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Sources used: dailymail.co.uk


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