Queen Elizabeth II: intruder announced in video that he wanted to kill her

Queen Elizabeth II
Intruder announced in video that he wanted to kill her

Shock to Queen Elizabeth II.

Shock to Queen Elizabeth II.

© Alessia Pierdomenico / Shutterstock

The intruder from Windsor Castle is said to have published a video shortly before his act in which he explains his goal: to kill the Queen.

The man who was caught armed with a crossbow at Windsor Castle on Boxing Day was probably really aiming to assassinate the British Queen. This is suggested by a video that was released shortly before the break-in and is currently being investigated by the police.

On December 25th, an intruder climbed over the castle wall with a rope ladder. He came about 500 meters from the Queen’s private quarters, but did not enter any building. He was given psychiatric treatment after his arrest.

“I am sorry”

The video clip was uploaded to Snapchat just under half an hour before the 19-year-old was caught at Windsor Castle published by the “Sun”. It shows a masked person with a crossbow, who says in a voice distorted by the computer: “I am sorry for what I have done and what I will do. I will try to murder Elizabeth, Queen of the royal family.”

The man in the clip describes himself as an Indian Sikh. His motive is revenge for the Amritsar massacre. In 1919, British troops killed hundreds and wounded over a thousand in the Indian city. The masked man also reports that he does not expect that he will survive the attack on the Queen.


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