Queen Elizabeth II: monarch honors British healthcare system

Queen Elizabeth II
Monarch honors British healthcare system

The Queen surprises with a special letter on Instagram.

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Queen Elizabeth II gives a special distinction to the British healthcare system. The NHS has done a lot during the pandemic.

The entire world has been fighting the corona pandemic for over a year and a half. The UK’s health system was also badly affected. For this reason, Queen Elizabeth (95) would like to honor the NHS (National Health Service) in a special way and award the George Cross.

In a handwritten letter published by the royal family on Instagram, the 95-year-old monarch addresses everyone who works in the health sector: “It is my great pleasure to award the George Cross to the National Health Services of the United Kingdom on behalf of a grateful nation. This award recognizes all past and present NHS staff across all professions and across all four nations. “

The George Cross is the highest civil award

In addition to the handwritten letter, the royal family publishes photos from almost 70 years of the monarch’s reign, showing them with health workers in different decades. “For more than seven decades, and especially recently, you have supported the people of our country with courage, compassion and devotion, demonstrating the highest standards of public service. You deserve our continued thanks and our heartfelt appreciation.” Letter from the Queen.

The George Cross was created by Queen Elizabeth’s father King George VI. (1895-1952) and has since been awarded to people and organizations for bravery, courage and to people who have placed themselves in extreme danger for their deeds. The George Cross is the UK’s highest non-military award.
