Queen Elizabeth II: Radiant appearance at an official audience

Queen Elizabeth II
Radiant appearance at an official audience

Queen Elizabeth II has received the head of the British central band.

© imago / ZUMA Press

Queen Elizabeth II has again attended an official appointment and welcomed the head of the British Central Bank at Windsor Castle.

After weeks of worries about the British Queen’s health, things now seem to be on the up again. Because as the palace shows on Instagram, Queen Elizabeth II (95) received an official visit to Windsor Castle on Wednesday. And this time she looks happy in the photo. The honor of the audience went to the head of the British central band, Andrew Bailey.

In the photo published for the meeting, the monarch beamed at her visitor. “As Head of State, Her Majesty meets regularly with important personalities from diplomacy, religion, the military and politics,” the statement said.

“She looks so lovely”

The followers are overjoyed in the comments. “Her Majesty looks splendid! Long live the Queen,” reads. Or: “I’m so glad that she is fine.” Additional notes: “She looks so lovely”, “Best regards to Her Majesty. I hope she is better; she looks very pretty” or simply “My Queen”.

A week ago she received General Sir Nick Carter for an official audience. Back then, her blue hands took care on the posted photo for excitement.

Most recently, the Queen’s state of health and various appointment cancellations made headlines. Over a month ago she was in the hospital for “preliminary examinations”. Then there was talk of a sprained back. The doctors ordered her to rest. She even had to cancel her participation in the Remembrance Sunday commemoration last weekend. But she was there for the christening of her two great-grandchildren at Windsor Castle.


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