Queen Elizabeth II: the monarch congratulates her granddaughter on her birthday

The Queen posts the second birthday greeting within a week. After it was Duchess Meghan's turn at the beginning of the week, it's now a granddaughter.

Almost three weeks ago, Princess Beatrice walked to the altar in front of her grandmother. On Saturday (August 8th) the daughter of Prince Andrew (60) and Duchess Sarah (60, "Finding Sarah: A Duchess's Journey to Find Herself") will celebrate another special occasion: her 32nd birthday. Queen Elizabeth II (94) congratulated her granddaughter in a very modern way – with a post on the social media platform Instagram.

"I wish Princess Beatrice a happy birthday!" Reads next to a snapshot of the monarch and her newly married granddaughter. The photo shows the two smiling during a service on Maundy Thursday this year in the Minster in the English city of York. The account also provides the information that Beatrice is the fifth grandchild of the Queen and her husband, Prince Philip (99).

Is Princess Beatrice celebrating in the south of France?

Her grandma's congratulations could have reached Princess Beatrice on her honeymoon. After her wedding to Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (36) on July 17th, the now 32-year-old and her "Edo" are said to be traveling by car in the south of France. This was reported by the British Daily Mail at the end of July, citing a tourist who claims to have seen the two of them in a "small car that was crammed full of things".

A few days ago, on August 4th, the British Queen had already publicly congratulated Duchess Meghan, the wife of her grandson Prince Harry (35), on her 39th birthday.
