Queen Elizabeth II: This is how the Queen shines at a big anniversary celebration

Queen Elizabeth II
This is how the Queen shines at the big anniversary celebration

The Queen beamed as she performed at Windsor Castle on Sunday night.

© imago/i Images

What a smile from Queen Elizabeth II! The Queen beamed from ear to ear at an event at Windsor Castle on Sunday.

It was her night and that’s exactly what Queen Elizabeth II (96) clearly saw. The Queen beamed from ear to ear on Sunday evening – both on the way to her box at a big platinum anniversary celebration and over long stretches of the program. The Queen was greeted with a standing ovation by 5,000 spectators at Windsor Castle. A performance was presented with riders, military personnel and musicians from all over the world. As a highlight, actress Helen Mirren (76) appeared as Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) and Hollywood star Tom Cruise (59) as moderator.

Until shortly before the start of the event called “A Gallop Through History” it was not clear whether the Queen could even be there due to her ailing health. As of Sunday evening, their participation was not officially confirmed. However, the Queen arrived at the event by car, followed by an escort from the Household Cavalry Guards cavalry unit. She then walked happily towards the royal box together with her youngest son Prince Edward (58) – supported by her now well-known walking stick.

Her second public appearance in just two days

For her performance, the Queen chose an ice-blue sequined dress and also wrapped herself in a gray, decorated scarf due to the evening cold. The Queen already attended a horse show on Friday and appeared in public for the second time in two days with her visit on Sunday evening. Due to her advanced age and her unstable state of health in recent months, observers take this as a very good sign. The Queen is apparently doing much better again.


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