Quick recipe: You only need 5 ingredients for quick baked feta pasta

Baked feta pasta
5-ingredient recipe for a wonderfully creamy pasta dish

Baked feta pasta

© zi3000 / Shutterstock

What started in Finland is now THE hit in kitchens worldwide: The delicious “Baked Feta Pasta” is particularly popular on TikTok and Co. No wonder, because the food trend is not only delicious, but also quick and easy to prepare.

Whether spaghetti, fusilli or farfalle: pasta has become an integral part of our kitchens. A plate of delicious pasta satisfies hunger and, above all, makes you happy. Particularly enjoyable Pasta dishes when they are easy to prepare but still taste heavenly – like Baked Feta Pasta. For the basic recipe that is currently making foodies’ hearts beat faster, you only need five ingredients. Juicy cherry tomatoes lay the foundation for the Mediterranean sauce, while feta cheese provides the creamy pleasure. The good thing: This recipe always works!

5-ingredient recipe: Baked Feta Pasta

Ingredients for four servings

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Preparation of the baked feta pasta

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees fan or 220 degrees top/bottom heat.
  2. Wash the cherry tomatoes and place them in a sufficiently large baking dish. Finely chop the garlic and add it.
  3. Place the feta blocks in the middle. Drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with oregano if desired.
  4. Put the casserole dish in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes until the tomatoes are soft and the feta has given color.
  5. In the meantime, cook the pasta in a pot of salted water according to the package instructions.
  6. At the end of the baking time, stir the mixture roughly with a fork.
  7. Put the finished pasta in the baking dish and mix everything thoroughly.

Depending on your preference, this recipe can be expanded by adding other vegetables. Onions, olives or peppers, for example, are ideal for expansion. Just make sure that the tomato portion remains as this is essential for the sauce. Tip: If you’re not a fan of feta, you can replace it with goat cheese.

Sources used: RTL.de, rnd.de, instagram.com


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