Rachel McAdams: is the actress pregnant again?

Rachel McAdams is said to be keeping a sweet secret. After the birth of her first child in 2018, she has now been seen with an alleged baby bump.

Actress Rachel McAdams (41, "Like a single day") seems to be doing it again: quietly enjoying the time of joyful anticipation for yourself. If she kept the pregnancy and birth of her first child, a boy, out of the public eye in 2018, she could pursue the same plan in 2020. The latest pictures published by the US site "Page Six", the gossip portal of the "New York Post", are said to show the actress with an alleged baby bump.

Under the knee-length dress that McAdams wears, there is an unmistakable curve. Supporting the adoption, the actress is said to have shopped in a baby store in Los Angeles on Wednesday (August 19), the day of the photo shoot. Fans should wait in vain for an official confirmation that she and her partner, screenwriter Jamie Linden (39, "The Shine of Silence") are expecting offspring again. The couple, who have been in a relationship since 2016, keep their private lives strictly out of the public eye. Not even the name of their son is known yet.
