Raid against Reich citizens: right-wing extremist terrorist cell lifted

ela./kis. Major raid in Germany: Since early Wednesday morning, around 3,000 security officers have been searching over 130 apartments and houses throughout Germany. They are taking action against a suspected nationwide network of right-wing extremists and Reich citizens, as reported by various German media. They are suspected of planning a coup d’etat.

Officials from the Federal Criminal Police Office, the Federal Police and the State Criminal Police Offices are on duty. In two cases, the special unit GSG9 was deployed. The focus is on 51 suspects. According to information from NDR, WDR and “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, 25 of them were temporarily arrested, including an Austrian citizen. According to the three media, which were apparently informed in advance, the main suspect is a real estate entrepreneur living in Frankfurt am Main, who is also said to be the lord of a hunting lodge in Bad Lobenstein in eastern Thuringia.

An attack on the Bundestag was planned, in order to then proclaim a new government. In addition to a former member of the Bundestag for the AfD, former officers of the Bundeswehr are said to have been involved in the plans.

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