Raid Dingue on TF1: Dany Boon’s film has a César

As the 47th Cesar Ceremony is fast approaching and “Raid Dingue” is being broadcast tonight on TF1, focus on the special statuette won by Dany Boon’s film in 2018, and for the first time in the history of the ‘Academy.

Broadcast this evening on TF1, Dany Boon’s comedy Raid Dingue received the first César du Public three years ago at the 43rd ceremony organized by the Academy, thus inaugurating a whole new category of awards.

This prize, aiming to democratize the event a little and to highlight the greatest public success of the past year, had therefore been awarded to Dany Boon’s fifth feature film and its 4.5 million admissions in the French rooms.

Known for his great public successes, the director of Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis (second greatest success of all time at the French box office) went on stage to collect his statuette, using his usual humor:

“I did not expect that”, he had thus declared, before addressing the guests of the ceremony, representing a good part of the profession: “I don’t thank you. But I love you anyway.”

Pathé Distribution

The following year, the César du Public was awarded to Tuche 3 by Olivier Baroux, then to Les Misérables by Ladj Ly in 2020 (that year, the winner was chosen by the members of the Academy from among the 5 greatest successes of the past year). The award ended up disappearing the following year.

Raid Dingue, fifth comedy by Dany Boon (broadcast this evening on TF1), follows the adventures of Johanna Pasquali, a particularly clumsy policewoman played by Alice Pol and whose dream is to integrate the elite group of the RAID. For that, she will have to confront the agent Eugène Froissard (Dany Boon), a ruthless teammate who will not give him the slightest gift.

(Re)discover the interview with Dany Boon and Alice Pol for “Raid Dingue”…

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