Rainbow Six Extraction: New game or DLC?

Chain reaction

The story of this opus begins in New Mexico, where an unidentified Russian capsule comes crashing down. It turns out that the latter contained a parasite which affected, in a very short period of time, many cities such as New York City, San Francisco, or even Alaska. In order to combat the spread of this parasite, which destroys and creates spawn, REACT, an exogenous analysis and containment team, is sent to the field to collect as much information as possible.

Deployment in progress

So you are part of the team REACT which will have to be deployed in the heart of three different zones in each city visited, more or less infected zones, in the purpose of harvesting data and simply destroying the parasite. The objectives entrusted to you are sequenced, thus, the difficulty will be progressive in the same level by offering three different missions, linked to specific areas, explained in the briefing at the start of the game.

To do this, you play as emblematic agents of Rainbow Six License who have the same weapons and assets. Surprisingly, even if these skills seem rather adapted to the mode pvp multiplayer, they are here adjusted to correspond to the needs for fighting the infection, without denaturing the agent in question. You must create a team of three agents between friends or using in-game matchmaking. It is also impossible to launch solo or duo sinceno bots can be added to your game. This is not a problem, however, because the communication system, provided for in Rainbow Six Extraction, is well thought out enough to give you the possibility of marking priority targets or communicating orally. A point that wants to be standard for a title based on discretion and team communication.

The proposed missions, divided into three areas of different difficulty, offer your team a progressive and adapted evolution to the situation. It is possible to extract yourself at any time, whether or not you have achieved your objective. However, it is impossible to return to the previous area. This aspect of the title is interesting since it puts the survival of the group in your own hands. You must therefore choose to take the risk of advancing ever further and to encounter more impressive/numerous mutations and entities or simply to collect information bit by bit.

Yes Rainbow Six Extraction keeps its name R6 it is not without reason. Indeed, the gameplay, the agents as well as the types of action available differ very little from the original game. It’s also quite disturbing to see that an initially slow game, due to the tenor of its PVP-focused gameplay, manages to gain a certain dynamism with Extraction although it is necessary to juggle between stealth, assassination and mass combat.

We survey many terrains, both indoors and outdoors, without feeling obliged to stay in bed to wait for the perfect shooting window, or play the entire game to sound. Here, the action is required to allow the player to move more easily. That being so, it retains a certain rigor of movement since it remains impossible to jump and the parasite, which infects walls, floors and ceilings, acts as a powerful speed reducer. If it is necessary for the lore as well as the atmosphere, it only accentuates the already slow movements of the agents going so far as to lose a little adrenaline.

Know your enemies

If the infection was only bacteriological, simple scientists would have done the trick for this invasion. However, it’s a real horde of darkspawn that appears to give a hard time for our agents. Equipped, as a bonus, with a hierarchy making their deployment quasi-military and orderly, it will be necessary to find the best way to intervene on these parasites by destroying their nests, mark/analyze them, Or just kill them without any respite. Although the terrains do not change when you play them, your agents are deployed in different areas while the enemies, just like the zones in question, are generated randomly.

Add to that the mission objectives, which are different at each launch, the mutations of your enemies which are random, and more and more frequent depending on the level of difficulty chosen/reached, and the level of difficulty which modifies the rate of possible mutation in your enemies for the game to show some replayability. However, despite this, Rainbow Six Extraction is subject to a certain monotony since, to evolve, you will have to survey, sometimes excessively, the zones and levels to unlock new maps, skills or even difficulty levels. Pay attention to the repetitive aspect of the long-term title.

Iconic agents and equipment

We couldn’t finish this test without talking about the agents, who are the key point in the evolution of the game since they will be sent directly to the field. Moreover, their elite training and the precautions they take during the various excursions have pushed the agency REACT to propose solutions in the event of imminent death. Therefore, to avoid losing an agent upon his death, the latter must activate a capsule that coats it entirely in foam. Protected against the parasite, it is a new team which must return to seek the agent in question. This is certainly a fairly innovative and well-thought-out game setting, pushing players to go further in the missions in order to recover their fallen agents. The latter lose the accumulated experience and also reduce the overall experience.

Besides that, the skills, the weapons as well as the agents are in all respects identical to those of Rainbow Six Siege. That said, they have skills that evolve over the experience accumulated with each of them. It will therefore be necessary to train each person independently to make it useful when needed. Note, moreover, that lost characters are no longer playable before being rescued and those injured will require rest to recuperate. What allow to alternate the agents as well as the compositions in order to vary the experience proposed by the title.

Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Extraction Screenshot 2022.01.17 -
Finally, the success of secondary missions as well as exfiltrations will allow you to accumulate experience to increase your global agent level, but also recover technological resources able to help you unlock new weapons to best fight the parasite.

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