Rainbow Six Siege Twitch Agent Guide: Weapons, Role

Find out how to play Agent Twitch on Rainbow Six Siege. This guide features the best weapons, attachments, and gadgets to maximize the potential of this attacker who stands out with his enhanced drones.

Twitch is often chosen for her weapon, the F2, but she is also able to support the whole team with her Shock Drones.

Twitch Rainbow Six Siege

Twitch does not lack spice


How to play Twitch

Role: Universal

Neither really Entry Fragger nor really Support Twitch will fit both roles perfectly though. Your abilities as players map and the quality of your squad will thus determine the direction you take much more than the character itself.



Twitch can be easy to pick up, but knowing her drones’ priority targets and the high recoil of her best weapon make her more complex than you might think at first glance.

  • Mechanically, easy to operate
  • Can be vital for the success of the team
  • Requires significant knowledge of cards and strategies
  • Requires an ability to identify priority targets for its drones

Which equipment to choose for Twitch

Which main weapon to choose

Twitch offers the choice between three main weapons: the F2 the SG-CQB and the 417.

For the primary weapon, the F2 is definitely the best option. The weapon is a real killing machine and is one of the main reasons to choose Twitch.

ViewfindercannonHandleunder the barrel
Bezel x1Flash HiderVertical HandleX

Which secondary weapon to choose

Twitch offers two secondary weapons. The first is the P9 which is a decent gun. In second the LFP586 which is a good revolver. We will choose the P9 in order to have more ammo per magazine since we only use the secondary weapon when there are no more bullets on the main weapon.

Rainbow Six Siege p9
ViewfindercannonHandleunder the barrel
XMuzzle BrakeXX

Which gadget to choose

Twitch has access to two universal gadgets: the Claymore and the Smoke Grenade.
Choosing the right gadget will largely depend on your playstyle, with both options being perfectly viable.

We will move towards the Smoke Grenade for their versatility.

Smoke Grenade

Single ability

The electrocution drones are Twitch’s unique ability in Rainbow Six Siege.

electrocution drones

Electrocution Drones replace regular drones, except for the one deployed during the preparation phase. Twitch may deploy two per round at any time during the match.

  • Electrocution Drones are more maneuverable, less noisy and more discreet than conventional drones
  • Shock Drones can fire projectiles
    • These projectiles will disable or destroy electronic gadgets and abilities hit
  • Drones have a range of 7.5 meters and can fire three projectiles which will recharge after 30 seconds per shot
  • Plates can be destroyed very easily, but will produce noise

Electrocution Drones are an incredible tool to undermine the enemy’s strategy before it is even in place. However, you will have to take into account the value of each target you choose to destroy, because all the usefulness of its ability comes from it.

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