Razer: $1 million fine for selling a (fake) anti-Covid RGB mask

During CES 2021, Razer unveiled a product full of nostalgia for the Covid era: a mask called Zephyr. Obviously, the brand had pimped the thing by adding RGB lights.

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However, Razer made a mistake when promoting this device: announcing an N95 certification, equivalent to the traditional FFP2. False information, on which the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ruled on April 29, 2024.

The authority adds that according to the complaint, Razer “only stopped false advertising following negative media coverage and consumer outrage over the misleading claims“.

Result, the FTC asks Razer to reimburse consumers “for misrepresenting the performance and effectiveness of Zephyr purported N95-grade masks“. The sum in question would exceed 1.1 million dollars.

Additionally, a $100,000 civil penalty for “false health claims linked to Covid” And “unsubstantiated health claims” was inflicted by the FTC on Razer.

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