Reading tips 2023: 8 books we will devour this summer

Summertime means vacation time – and vacation time means reading time. Conversely, with a good book, you can take your head off on vacation without having to travel far. Even the choice of reading is similar to that of a travel destination: do we long for a family story in the mountains or a thriller in Scandinavia? Should it be the love story on the beach or rather the relaxation guide in the urban jungle?

We humans are particularly demanding when it comes to choosing holiday reading material. After all, we often remember those books particularly well that we associate with a special time. Years later, when we read a book, we still think of the tavern we were sitting in while leafing through it – or of the flight that ended just when things were getting particularly exciting for the protagonist in the book. Memories of books combine with smells and images of the places where we read them.

At the same time, we often simply take more time for a book in the summer. While in winter the series calls out to us on the couch, in summer it’s the sun that drives us onto the streets in the evening. We decide more often to go outside to enjoy the good weather – and the book is just as essential in the handbag as the sunscreen.

Incidentally, a book is also an ideal companion – we like to sit down with it alone for a nightcap in the café, unroll our blanket in the nearby park or go on an excursion as a couple. Travel alone? No problem if you have enough books in your luggage. It never gets boring with them, it’s easy to keep quiet with them and they’re always there for us when we need them. A good book has brought us through many a summer with difficult and light moments.

So it’s one of the most burning questions of the season: what are you reading right now? We asked ourselves the same question in the editorial office and brought together a few new and old friends. There is definitely something for everyone here.


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