Recovery plan: 72 billion euros in credits in the pipeline

25 billion have been devoted to ecological transition, 20 billion to strengthening competitiveness and 26 billion to social and territorial cohesion.

Promise kept: at the end of 2021, 72 billion euros in credits from the recovery plan announced in September 2020 had been committed and 42 billion disbursed. “The macroeconomic impact is assessed more in terms of committed credits. They are the ones who allow companies or communities to launch their investment projects“, welcomed Matignon.

Concretely, the public manna was relatively well distributed between the three main axes of the plan. Some 25.4 billion have been earmarked for ecological transition, including 6.7 billion euros dedicated to the energy renovation of public and private buildings – with in particular 660,000 requests for the MaPrimeRénov ‘system accepted. Conversion bonuses and ecological bonuses have favored the surge in electric and hybrid vehicles, which even represented a quarter of sales in December 2021.

6 billion for the “Ségur de la santé”

20.3 billion euros contributed to the second part of the plan, the strengthening of competitiveness. 733,000 companies shared the 10 billion reduction in production taxes. “More than 10,000 industrial companies“benefited from the arrowed devices on the sector, which enabled them to”to modernize, to relocate means of production or to digitize“, specified Bercy, insisting on the fact that 84% of the companies supported are VSEs or SMEs.

Finally, the social and territorial cohesion component received 26.2 billion euros. In particular, four million young people were supported under the 1 young person 1 solution plan, while the “Ségur de la santé” received an additional 6 billion.

Economists are still struggling to assess the exact impact of the recovery plan on French growth, which looks set to be around 6.7% this year. The government, for its part, is pleased to communicate on these fine results. “We deployed France Relance from the summer of 2020 with force. At the end of 2021, the results are there: the pre-crisis level of activity was back at the end of the third quarter of 2021, the employment rate is at its highest for 50 years“, thus highlighted Tuesday the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire.

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