Recovery workouts: Boost your training with active recovery

Recovery Workouts
This is how you can boost your training with active recovery

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Nobody can give you power all the time, not even our body. Recovery workouts are the perfect way to get some much-needed regeneration. How to use active rest for your training.

Are recovery workouts sport or relaxation? “Recovery” is English for recovery, “workout” for a training session. So it’s about both. After an intense workout, the body needs time to regenerate. He benefits from gentle movement even more than from pure relaxation on the couch.

Recovery workouts: Active regeneration after sport

The recovery workout is about doing something good for our entire organism on “rest days”, i.e. the days between intensive training sessions. We can do this best in the form of quiet movement units that gently challenge the muscles and stretch them at the same time. This ensures good blood circulation in the muscles and keeps them flexible. In this way, we can not only alleviate muscle soreness, but also optimally prepare the muscles for upcoming training sessions.

yoga or stretching about is a classic recovery workout. With the combination of stretching postures and carefully executed exercises to strengthen the muscles, we provide stimulation and the necessary relaxation at the same time. You can supplement such units with a foam roll. Because our fascia and muscles benefit optimally from the intensive massage.

Also To swim can be a very good recovery unit. However, it is important here not to exhaust yourself when pulling lengths, but to take it slowly. By the way, the simplest variant for a recovery workout is a stroll. Depending on how intensively you train otherwise, you can tackle it a little faster. In this way, you gently get your circulation going and activate your muscles without overloading them.

What else do you have to pay attention to during the gentle training sessions?

In recovery training, the primary goal is the balance between tension and relaxation, there should be a balance between strenuous sports units and the well-deserved break afterwards. This is the only way we can remain efficient and healthy in the long term. That’s why it’s all the more important to do only light training for regeneration and not to overdo it.

If you’ve had a particularly intense workout, it might be a good idea to take a break for not just one, but two or even more days. Because the recovery workout should be active relaxation – it’s not about performance.

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