Redesigned talent trees for Dragonflight on WoW

A few years ago, Mists of Pandaria had radically changed character customization. If this made it possible to go to the essentials for new players, many regretted this choice. With the arrival of Dragonflight, the talent trees are back in a slightly more elaborate format. We are talking to you about a time that those under twenty cannot know.

Talents designed to last beyond Dragonflight

While it may seem surprising to roll back after 10 years, the goal of talent trees is to last over time. Like the early years of the game, it’s about advancing the player through expansions. Thus, his progress will be saved, with new points to unlock and new abilities that will be added.

But this is not the only objective of the talents in Dragonflight. The customization of his character has been lost over the expansions, to focus on over-optimization. With these trees, the goal is to leave the players more free, in order to trace their own path. This will have its limits, however, as competitive players will, for the most part, have the same talents eventually.

Talent trees, how do they work?

Overall, as a player progresses, he unlocks talent points. These points can be spent in multiple trees, one per specialization. Currently under development, it would appear that each tree comes in two categories. The first, linked to the class, offering general effects and bonuses, while the second is more specialized in a discipline. Specializing in a discipline is therefore more rewarding for the player.

In this example, we see the addition of a save option, which makes it easier to switch from one specialization to another, or from one configuration to another. It is thus possible to prepare talent trees, and to modify them whenever we see fit. Mias we can also see different talent designs. Those in squares represent active abilities, while the circles are passives.

This is what we know for the moment about the talent trees in Dragonflight, and their purpose over the expansion. But many other aspects of the game will be entitled to alterations, in order to offer a more pleasant experience.

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