Referendum 2023 – SVP’s abortion initiative encounters opposition from its own party


Two SVP women launched two initiatives on the subject of abortions this week. For this they are receiving criticism not only from the left, but also from their own ranks.

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Two initiatives running at the same time aim to reduce abortions.

20min / Simon Glauser

With the two initiatives, National Councilor Andrea Geissbühler ...

With the two initiatives, National Councilor Andrea Geissbühler …


... and her party colleague Yvette Estermann in 2021 with a big plan.

… and her party colleague Yvette Estermann in 2021 with a big plan.


  • Two initiatives aim to reduce abortions.

  • One is supposed to require a statutory reflection period of one day, the other prohibiting abortions entirely after the twelfth week.

  • The two national councilors of the SVP are also feeling headwind from their own party.

The two SVP national councilors Andrea Geissbühler and Yvette Estermann launched two initiatives this week for fewer abortions. The first is intended to protect women from rash decisions and will come before the people under the title “Sleep on it once” initiative when the necessary signatures are collected by June 21, 2023.

The initiators write that it makes sense to sleep on every important decision in life. A day to think about it would protect women from rash decisions under pressure and stress. The SP women Barbara Gysi and Yvonne Feri see an affront in the reflection period initiative. This initiative suggests that no previous discussions would take place at this point, says Feri. However, this is already the usual procedure when it comes to the desire for an abortion.

Absolute right to life

The second initiative of the two SVP women is entitled “Viable Babies Rescue Initiative”. With this, the fetus should be granted an absolute right to life from a certain point in time. The point in time should be defined when fetuses can also survive and breathe outside the womb.

The arguments are based on the fact that premature births are viable from the 22nd week of pregnancy with the appropriate care. Women from their own party especially distance themselves from this initiative. National Councilor Camille Lothe announced on Twitter: “I will fight this initiative.”

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