Reiner Calmund: He has received a lot of praise for his customer success

Pure Calmund
He receives a lot of praise for his success with customers

Pure Calmund

© Getty Images

Reiner Calmund showed everyone. The soccer heavyweight lost a lot of pounds within a year. A success that his fans celebrate.

Reiner Calmund, 72, enjoys life, even without culinary excesses. The ex-Bundesliga manager experienced a metamorphosis within about twelve months. He has become 70 kilos lighter. "This morning the scales showed 103 kilos," the cheerful nature reveals to "Bild". A success that "Calli" can rightly be proud of. His fans are happy with him.

Reiner Calmund: Much praise for his customer success

"My goodness, what have you lost. Respect for all the good food. Great performance," one follower praised the "Grill den Henssler" jurors almost effusively. "Respect for your weight loss," it says under another post.

"Calli" wants to make it below the 100 kilo mark

The 72-year-old had his stomach made smaller at the end of January 2020. "The operation was the best decision," he says today. "I'm doing fantastic. My body values ​​are great."

He wants to get below the magical 100 kilo mark by summer. Before that, however, the residual loads left by the severe weight loss should be removed. "The fat apron will be removed in two to three months. It must also weigh another seven to eight kilograms. Then I'll be under 100!"

This article originally appeared on

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