Relationship: 3 Tips to Break the Cycle of Negative Self-Talk

3 tips to break the cycle of negative self-talk

In the video we give you three tips on how to break your cycle of negative self-talk.

Negative self-talk can undermine our self-confidence and trap us in a vicious cycle of frustrating thoughts. There are very simple tips to break this cycle – as the video shows.

“Where did I put the key again?” or “I can’t do that anyway” – we all talk to ourselves from time to time. Not only is it normal, it also fulfils various functions and can help us in certain phases of life. However, there is also negative self-talk that can lead us into a vicious circle of destructive thoughts. In such a case, it reinforces our low self-esteem.

How can I stop my negative self-talk?

However, there are ways to turn off our frustrating thoughts. In the video we give you three simple tips to break your cycle of negative self-talk and distance yourself from your fear-driven thoughts.

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