Relationship: 8 signs you’re dating the wrong person

8 signs you’re with the wrong person

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The gut feeling: kind of weird. The future prospects: nebulous. How you can tell that the person by your side may not be the right one …

One thing is clear: even people in love sometimes have a bad day. They quarrel, but they make up again. And: in spite of all differences of opinion, they keep respect and love for one another.

And then there are relationships in which we actually know deep down: something is wrong here. If the following signs seem familiar to you, it is time to draw your conclusions. Because nobody should spend their precious lifetime with someone who is not wholeheartedly involved.

1. You feel like a single

You’re a couple, but it doesn’t feel like it. Because your partner is always busy. Sometimes he / she has a lot to do at work, sometimes meetings with friends cannot be postponed. Your friends: inside have long been wondering why you are so seldom seen together? Yes, why actually?

2. You pretend

When you are together, are you meticulous not to say anything “wrong”? Do you pretend to be interested in things that could actually be stolen from you? Or has your style of clothing changed a lot since you were together? Nobody should have to pretend to please his / her partner: in. That should be exactly the person who loves you for yourself.

3. You have no idea of ​​a common future

When you think about what your life will be five or ten years from now, you don’t see a clear picture before you. More like a spongy one. Not really sure if you will ever move in together, get married, or have children. You’re not even sure if you want a future together. In all honesty, is it possible that you are investing time in a relationship that is going nowhere?

4. You hardly get any support

You really get involved in sports or do professional training. Your: e partner: registered it – nothing more? Would you like him / her to stand by your side and support you with things that are important to you? Yes, that’s exactly what you can expect!

5. Something doesn’t feel right

There’s that gut feeling. You can’t name it one hundred percent, but something doesn’t feel right. Even when you are happy, there are still doubts. Like an annoying, low background hum. You can ignore it or ask yourself: what could be the reason? Or: to whom?

6. You are kept small

If someone is kept small in a relationship, it expresses itself as follows, for example: Your decisions are constantly questioned or criticized. Or your: e partner: in constantly takes things from you because he / she can do them much better. All alarm bells should ring if your partner teases you or makes you bad in front of others. Who are you to put up with something like that?

7. You feel unfree

Do you have to account for every step? Your: e partner: in interferes in things in your life that you are good at regulating yourself? When you spend an evening alone or with friends, do you feel like you are really coming to life? No one in a relationship should feel like they are in jail. And no, a gold cage is not an acceptable alternative.

8. You cry more than you laugh

The clearest signal that you are with the wrong person: If you shed tears more often because of your loved one instead of laughing with him / her, you are in a dead end. This does not mean temporary crisis situations, but an unhappy basic feeling that covers the relationship like a black veil. Chest out, head up: you deserve a life with more joy!


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