Relaxation techniques: these are the 7 best

What are relaxation techniques?

Our everyday life can be very stressful – and this is sometimes noticeable through various symptoms such as sleep disorders. So-called relaxation techniques such as yoga or autogenic training should help us to reduce stress and bring more relaxation into our lives. Those who conduct the training regularly not only become more relaxed, they also tackle challenges with the necessary calm and concentration.

Why is stress unhealthy at all?

When stressed, the body releases various stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. In the short term, this increases our performance – but if the stress prevails, the body can no longer reduce the stress hormones. This strains our immune system and makes us more susceptible to infections. Other symptoms such as tension or a depressive mood can occur permanently. You can find all stress symptoms here.

What are the advantages of relaxation techniques?

Relaxation techniques not only ensure that we can reduce stress and are generally more relaxed. The exercises have the following advantages if they are carried out regularly:

  • Increased ability to concentrate and remember
  • Increased creativity
  • Peace of mind and balance
  • Increased stability in the event of conflicts
  • Lower susceptibility to infections

These are the 7 best relaxation techniques

1. Progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation according to Edmund Jacobson is a relaxation process in which different muscle groups are relaxed and relaxed one after the other. The body is loosened from head to toe, which releases tension, for example. The relaxation technique is easy to carry out in everyday life and can be practiced both lying down and sitting. You can find detailed instructions for progressive muscle relaxation in this article.

2. Meditation

Meditation calms the mind and body and lets us relax. First and foremost, it is about letting your thoughts come to rest. The good thing about this relaxation technique: meditation can be performed in any quiet place – sitting, lying or standing, as you like. Some people like to listen to music while meditating, others prefer to meditate in complete silence. Beginners often start with ten minutes of meditation, advanced students can do the training for several hours. We explain how to learn meditation here. Studies show that regular meditation can lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels, among other things, and we also become more resistant to stress.

3. Autogenic training

Another popular relaxation exercise is so-called autogenic training. The training originally comes from the area of ​​self-hypnosis and uses our own imagination with the help of auto-suggestive formulas. For example, you say phrases like: "My back is pleasantly warm" and draws attention to certain parts of the body. However, this relaxation technique requires some practice. When used correctly, autogenic training helps against physical complaints such as high blood pressure, relaxes with depression and anxiety and increases the ability to concentrate.

4. Breathing exercises

With the help of breathing exercises, we can quickly find relaxation. The reason: if we are stressed, we tend to breathe shallower. If we influence our breathing, we can reduce the stress again – this works particularly well in acute stressful situations. For example, abdominal breathing works well: It is breathed deep into the abdomen so that the abdomen bulges outwards, only then does the air get into the chest. When you exhale, the air then flows out of your chest and then out of your belly. This targeted breathing automatically starts to relax, and blood pressure can be reduced and tiredness evaporated.

5. Movement

The method of movement includes various relaxation techniques, which do not aim to train intensively, but rather listen to yourself and keep your heart rate at a constant level. The following movement variants help effectively against stress. You can also use them to increase your concentration:

  • Yoga: In yoga, flowing movements are combined with breathing techniques, which ensures an inner and outer balance. The method also strengthens various muscle groups and loosens tension.
  • Endurance training: If you have to sit a lot at work, endurance training should ensure that you get enough exercise. This not only keeps you fit, it also clears your head. For example, jogging or swimming is suitable.
  • Tai Chi: It is an ancient Chinese martial art, which is primarily about building tension with continuous movement and then releasing it again. This relieves tension and has a positive effect on breathing and the cardiovascular system.
  • Pilates: Similar to yoga, Pilates focuses on strengthening the center of the body, which benefits the back, stomach and pelvic floor muscles in particular. Tension is released through the process.
  • Qigong: This relaxation technique also comes from Chinese teaching and focuses on strengthening the so-called life energy. Flowing movements and breathing exercises push the stress away and strengthen the life energy.

6. Massages

Sometimes you can't get tensions and muscular blockages under control. Then targeted massages help to relax the muscles. The good thing: The person affected can simply be pampered and go on a journey with their thoughts. Reflexology is also good, which should have a positive effect on the organs and thus reduce stress.

7. Sauna

Regular visits to the sauna not only strengthen the immune system and make us less susceptible to infections, but is also a great relaxation technique for body and mind. When taking a sauna, toxins are removed faster, and the body virtually shuts down, which relaxes us. It is important to find your own comfortable temperature and to take a break after each sauna session.

Pure relaxation in everyday life – with these quick relaxation exercises

We do not always have the opportunity in everyday life to withdraw and invest half an hour in our relaxation techniques. In this case, short exercises to help you relax, that can be carried out anywhere and without tools. These include:

  • Extend the body: We tend to sink under stress, which promotes tension. On the other hand, it helps to stretch the body apart: the arms are stretched out over the head, the legs are made as long as possible. This relaxes the muscles.
  • Dream trip: Lie or sit relaxed, close your eyes and imagine a place where you are not stressed and can live without worries. It can be both a real place from your childhood as well as a vacation spot that you don't actually know. Imagine how you explore the place, what you feel and what smells and colors you perceive. If you feel calmer, just open your eyes again to end the trip.
  • Commute: Stand upright for this relaxation technique, the feet should be about hip width apart. The arms hang down loosely. Then you turn your upper body alternately left and right, swinging your arms slightly.
  • Listen to relaxation music: It can be the new album of the favorite band, but also a piano solo – which music is perceived as relaxing is completely different individually. It is only important that you have the feeling that the music calms and relaxes.
  • Let go of anger: Sometimes you just want to scream – and as a relaxation technique, that's actually not a bad idea to get rid of stress. Find a lonely place, sit down relaxed and think back to situations in which you were particularly angry. Now you roar out your anger – whether in sentences or just screaming is up to you. Deliberately clench your hands into fists. When you feel that the anger has gone, shake your limbs and take a few deep breaths.
  • Relax and unwind: Tense every muscle and hold your breath – for a total of about five seconds. Then you exhale vigorously and loosen the body, for example by shaking the limbs gently.

Reading tips: Have you read enough about relaxation techniques? Here we explain how you can still reduce stress. We also reveal how stress management works and what helps against a rounded back.

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