Remove Pimples: Home Remedies and Tips to Get Rid of Them Quickly

How to remove pimples simply explained. This saves you from having to clean your face at the beautician’s – for example with a comedone squeezer. Find out how to do it here!

Everybody knows annoying visitors like pimples, blackheads and the like. Most of the time they appear when you need them least – but let’s be honest, when is blemished skin desirable ?! Often they come secretly overnight. Unfortunately, the age of those affected does not play a role, because blackheads, pimples, acne and the like can appear in anyone. It doesn’t matter whether you are in puberty or already 30 years old or older.

One thing is definitely inevitable: If the blackheads and pimples appear on your face, you quickly feel uncomfortable. You always have the feeling that everyone is looking at you for that only. A really sore feeling! That’s why we want to remove the pimples quickly and easily.

Squeeze pimple? – Don’t!

Most of all, you want to squeeze out the pimple and remove the blackheads – always in the hope that the blemished skin will of course go away again the next morning. That sounds tempting, but can also quickly cause scars and nobody really wants to have them for a lifetime. Not only that, unwanted pimple marks can also appearbecause the pimple wound may not close. In addition, there may be dirt under your fingernails that could damage the Inflame pimples can. Then it’s better to keep your hands off pimples, blackheads, acne and Co. and let the blemished skin heal again in peace.

According to dermatologists, it can take a few days to a few weeks for blemishes to go away completely. Still, there are a few things you can do to remove pimples quickly and easily, and to prevent facial blemishes right away.

Peeling? – No thank you!

A peeling has many important tasks, including refining the pores, removing old flakes of skin and removing impurities from the skin. That definitely brings the skin to shine again. To remove pimples and get rid of annoying blackheads and pores, it’s better not to use it, because it Rather, it distributes the bacteria in the skin and can cause inflammation – and no one really wants that.
Instead, we recommend that you a gentle cleansing foam or a gel to use. This cleanses and clarifies the skin gently and pore-deep without irritating it unnecessarily. In addition, it generally counteracts the formation of skin blemishes and inflammation.

Cleaning the makeup brush

Many people forget that Makeup brush to cleanse, this is especially important for your skin. In the end Dead skin cells and bacteria collect in it – and we spread it beautifully on our skin again and again as long as the brush is not clean. Skin blemishes such as pimples and blackheads as well as clogged pores are not infrequently the result.

Simply clean the brush under warm water and, if necessary, with something Baby shampoo help, let it work in briefly and rinse off. Simply place the brush on a towel to dry.

Sleep and drink lots of water

Sleeping and drinking are the be-all and end-all for the body. Only those who sleep enough and drink water have a positive effect on their skin. So next time you like to grab water instead of an energy drink or coffee.

Stress? Goodbye!

Don’t let your work or your everyday life stress you. stress only promotes the emergence of impurities such as pimples, blackheads and the like unnecessarily. For example, if you approach a problem differently, try to deal with it more loosely and change it, you will also avoid new pimples and excessive production of sebum.

When your pimple hurts

If your pimples are infected and painful by now, take action Zinc ointment or Hydrocortisone cream, because the soothe the inflammation and help in healing those nasty pimples. Alternatively, cold helps, because it removes the pain and reduces inflammation.

On the other hand, would you like the build-up of excess sebum to decrease, the pores of your skin to open and the inflammation on the face to come to the surface? Then, for example, one can help you Chamomile steam bath. With regular use, you can also try to bypass acne.

Removing pimples doesn’t have to be that difficult, you just have to know what your skin needs best in that case and what you should keep your hands off of to avoid inflammation.

Clean the phone screen

Have you ever thought about cleaning your phone screen? No? Then you should definitely do this now, because Every day, grease, dirt and countless bacteria accumulate on your smartphonewhich we then intuitively wipe on our face the next time we call or when using the cell phone. Special disinfectant sprays without alcohol and antibacterial cleaning wipes help you to clean your cell phone and fight bacteria, so pimples, blackheads and the like do not even appear on the face.

If nothing works, cover up!

It is always better to get as little make-up and the like on the pimple so that the skin can breathe easily, the pores are not unnecessarily clogged and excess production of sebum is avoided. If you still want to make the nasty pimple invisible, you can help with the affected area Concealer. It’s best to choose one that contains salicylic acid and roughly matches your skin tone so that it adapts perfectly to your skin color and doesn’t stand out too much on the pimple. Concealer sticks with salicylic acid have the great property that they promote wound healing and open the pores. This allows the excess sebum to escape from the pores.

Then, when your inflamed pimples slowly heal, you can close again a light foundation or a non-comedogenic makeup with an antibacterial effect and without fragrances and preservatives (also called hypoallergenic). Mineral powder covers any existing redness and completes your beauty routine all around so that you can finally feel good again – even with pimples, blackheads and co ..

Remove Pimples: These Home Remedies Really Help

1. Home remedies: toothpaste

toothpaste just has a great effect on your teeth? Because toothpaste can do a lot more than just that – Remove pimples and heal inflammation faster for example. Simply apply some toothpaste to the affected area and leave it on overnight. Make sure that you only dab the pimples with toothpaste (not gel!) And not over large areas, as it dries out the skin and can lead to irritation. Then wash your face as usual the next morning. Complete!

2. Home remedies: healing earth

A traditional home remedy to remove pimples is Healing earth. One particularly good quality is attributed to her: you frees the skin of pollutants and also excess sebum and bacteria are sucked up by it. So you can use it to declare war on your pimples. The best: When you use healing earth, your skin is gently peeled and your skin’s complexion is automatically refined. You can also use the home remedy as a face mask, simply leave it on the skin for at least 30 minutes, rinse off – and your pimples will be removed quickly.

3. Home remedies: tea tree oil

It’s super popular for fighting pesky pimples Tea tree oil. The home remedy convinces mainly thanks to its antibacterial effect. It also works great for preventing pimples and the like. So if you already feel a pimple underground, it is best to apply some tea tree oil to a cotton pad and dab the affected area of ​​skin with it. It is important that you do not use too much tea tree oil and that the duration of the treatment with the home remedy is not continued for too long.

4. Home remedies: aloe vera

Aloe vera has a calming and at the same time healing effect. The juice of these is ideal for soothing and removing inflamed pimples. You didn’t know that yet? Then quickly get yourself an aloe vera and cut off a small piece for your pimple as needed.

5. Home remedies: honey or cinnamon

To remove your pimples, honey or cinnamon will help, because they have one antiseptic effect – and thanks to this, pimples can heal faster. Manuka honey is even said to prevent the formation of scars. For example, you can make a mask out of honey and cinnamon. All you have to do is mix two to three teaspoons of cinnamon and one and a half teaspoons of honey, apply the mask to your face, leave it on for ten minutes and then rinse off with warm water.

6. Home remedies: apple cider vinegar

Annoying pimples should disappear as unexpectedly as they come, ideally immediately. Thinner Apple Cider Vinegar is a popular home remedy for fighting pimples and blackheads because it contributes to Stabilizes a natural pH value of your skin and has an astringent effect, that is, the pores contract. To achieve this effect, mix a few drops of apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1: 4 with water, put a little on a cotton pad and then apply it to your skin like facial tonic.

7. Home remedies: baking soda

Think these are all the home remedies that will help you remove blackheads and pimples? Then you know baking powder not yet as a home remedy for impurities. Simply mix a small amount of the powder with water and apply it to the pimples like a mask. When it dries, you can gently wash it off with water. The baking powder frees your skin from annoying dirt and damaged skin cells. If you have sensitive skin, it is better to use one of the other home remedies to remove pimples as it can cause redness.

8. Home Remedies: Healthy Eating

Your diet is often reflected in your face, so eating a healthy diet will help you bypassing blemished skin such as blackheads, pimples and the like and stopping the excessive production of sebum. Vegetables and whole grain products should now be on the daily schedule and bad habits such as the consumption of industrial sugar, white flour, nicotine and alcohol should be avoided as far as possible.

9. Home remedies: coconut oil

This home remedy is also effective against pimples: Coconut oil. The reason coconut oil contains lauric acid antimicrobial works and can be used so effectively against pimples. In addition, the oil is very gentle on the skin and is also ideal for sensitive skin. To do this, clean the face in advance as usual and then massage a small amount of cold-pressed organic coconut oil, which does not contain any additives, onto the affected area and let it soak into the face for about 15 minutes.

10. Home remedies: sea salt

Is your skin currently very blemished? Unfortunately, your blackheads and pimples can no longer be overlooked? You have already tried a number of home remedies, but you haven’t found the right one? Try it with a steam bath with salt water. Just add a teaspoon sea-salt Put in boiling water and hold your face over the bowl for about ten minutes. That opens the pores, removes excess sebum, reduces blackheads and pimples and ensures a smoother complexion.

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