Renovation: homes less than 15 years old can no longer benefit from MaPrimeRénov ‘

Surprise at the end of 2021, a decree published in the Official Journal of December 30 has reduced the specter of aid for energy renovation MaPrimeRénov ‘. While the latter was until now open to owners of homes completed for two years, its benefit has been reserved since 1er January to housingat least fifteen years of seniority.

An exception for the replacement of oil-fired boilers

This new condition excludes recent housing from benefiting from the premium, with one exception: for premium requests made in the context of a change of boiler running on fuel oil, it is the rule of two years of seniority. which continues to apply.

The main residence criterion is also made more demanding since the dwellings concerned by the work eligible for the bonus must be occupied for at least eight months a year, and no longer six.

More time to complete your work

Note that the decree provides for some flexibility in parallel: the owner-occupant now has a year to make housing its main residence after receiving payment from MaPrimeRénov ‘. In 2021, this deadline was limited to six months.

As for the deadline for carrying out the work once the premium has been accepted, it goes from one year to two years. Finally, the National Housing Agency (Anah), in charge of distributing the premium, can more easily grant additional time for completion of the work.

Set up in 2020 to replace the Energy Transition Tax Credit (CITE), MaPrimeRénov ‘was initially reserved for low-income and intermediate household categories, then opened in 2021 to wealthier taxpayers, condominiums and landlord donors. .

The amount granted for this public aid paid within the framework of energy improvement works (windows, thermal insulation, heating installations, etc.) depends on the household’s income, its location and the type of projects. undertaken.


The launch of this system was a resounding success (nearly 300,000 cases funded in just over a year) but the Court of Auditors has expressed reservations about the effectiveness of the work in the fight against energy strainers, and as to its cost.

The exclusion of recent buildings from its eligibility constitutes a first answer to the question of efficiency. This refocusing will be accompanied by the creation of specific aid resulting from the merger between MaPrimeRénov ‘and the “Living Better Serenity” aid to finance the overall renovations of households with modest and very modest incomes.

On the financial side, on the other hand, no offense to the Court of Auditors, the budget devoted in 2022 to the financing of this aid should be extended by two billion euros compared to that of 2021, to reach an amount of 3.2. € bn. The goal is to finance 800,000 renovations over the next twelve months.

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