Republican sees little chance: Cassidy: Trump should get out of the presidential race

Republicans see little chance
Cassidy: Trump should get out of presidential races

There are now four charges against Donald Trump – and yet the US Republicans are reluctant to criticize him. Now the former president is getting advice from his own ranks: a prominent senator is recommending Trump to withdraw from the race for the White House.

Former US President Donald Trump should drop out of the race for the White House in 2024, according to a prominent Republican senator. Senator Bill Cassidy told CNN’s State of the Union that Trump could not win the campaign against Democratic President Joe Biden.

Cassidy is one of the seven Senate Republicans who voted to convict Trump in the second impeachment trial in 2021. Voters would not elect someone to be President who should be convicted of a crime.

When asked if Trump should drop out of the presidential race, the Louisiana Republican told the broadcaster, “I think so. But of course that’s up to him. I think you’re just asking my opinion. But he will lose to Joe Biden if you look at the current polls.”

Trump is the leading Republican presidential nominee despite mounting legal troubles that include four criminal charges. Few of Trump’s rivals have openly criticized the ex-president, even as charges have mounted against him.

According to the latest polls, Trump leads the Republican field of candidates for the 2024 presidential election by a wide margin with 47 percent. With 13 percent approval among the party’s voters, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis trailed behind in second place.

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