Resignations from Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s team, accused of having concealed his Covid-19 contamination

HARD BLOW – Positive for Covid-19 and accused of having concealed the fact of being a contact case for several days, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan was also released by important members of his campaign team. “His positions were indefensible and I did not want to be an accomplice,” said a former collaborator at LCI.

“I could no longer deal with this candidate, his political line, his stubbornness.” This is what told LCI on Tuesday, a former member of the campaign team of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan who recently distanced himself from the presidential candidate. In recent days, two important people in the campaign device of the leader of Debout la France have resigned: his campaign director and his press officer.

In all since April, no less than twelve people have done the same, this source told us. Without counting the executives of the movement who resign regularly, and the activists who are becoming fewer and fewer.

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Another ex-collaborator regrets the lies, the constant changes of line of“a candidate who got lost”, and its extremism on issues related to Covid-19. “His positions were indefensible and I did not want to be an accomplice”, he explains. “The few activists who remain to him are radicalized on health issues, so in order not to lose them and let them go to a Florian Philippot, he had to be constantly in the excess, take steps to be more and more trash in his words “, analyzes this former member of his team.

Dupont-Aignan denies having spread the Covid

Words that echo the recent Covid-19 contamination of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, and the accusations incriminating him of having concealed his state of health and of having spread the disease when he knew he was in contact. According to Release, the deputy “knew each other in case of contact” from his wife for several days before her positive diagnosis on Friday, December 10, “and yet continued to participate in meetings” at the National Assembly, Wednesday, December 8. He also made a trip to Lorraine on Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 December.

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  • Presidential 2022: weakened by Eric Zemmour, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan launches his campaign

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan disputed this version, claiming to have known his wife’s contact case on the evening of Thursday, December 9, then to have isolated himself. “I went into solitary confinement because my wife tested positive even though I tested negative”, he added on CNews this Tuesday afternoon. One of the former members of his team contacted by LCI expresses doubts on this subject, assuring that when the candidate informed him of his illness on December 10 (the day of the beginning of his isolation), he had spoken to him about his wife, neat the previous days “with ivermectin”.

Also, according to the unsuccessful 2017 presidential candidate, all the people “48 hours” prior to his positive test were notified. However, according to this former collaborator, the member for Essonne forgot to warn “the media he saw during the week, such as Radio Courtesy, and the people he met in the National Assembly”.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan has always criticized the health pass and is skeptical about the effectiveness of vaccines. Last November during a trip, he told a passerby that he was not “not vaccinated”. This Tuesday during his visit to CNews, he also indicated that he was not vaccinated.

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