Resuming Dofus in 2022

If 2021 was not as rich as 2020, it could however have been very beneficial for Dofus! Temporis marked a large part of the year, allowing the development teams to bring the port of the game to Unity far ahead of time while offering updates and class balancing.
Did you miss the bandwagon? No problem, the editorial staff takes stock to get you back into the world of the Twelve.

Last update: 18/01/2022

Resuming Dofus – Variants and Class Redesigns

If it’s been several years since you’ve played Dofus, one of the first things you’ll notice is the spell system change. Since 2.45, in December 2017, it has undergone a major overhaul. Each spell now has a variant. Your number of class spells has therefore increased from 21 to 46, but you can only choose 23 per fight. There are no more points to award and the levels are unlocked automatically as you level up. Your old points are transformed into scrolls that can be exchanged for Kolizétons.

Whether through this redesign or later through the balancing, most of the classes are totally different. They obviously keep their concept, but are all upgraded. The Pandawas are still tanks and placers, the Iops now have a minimum of spells to protect themselves while retaining the role big Damage Dealer, Eniripsas give AP to their allies even more easily, etc. A lot of issues have been fixed, and more have appeared. A class you didn’t like before might now appeal to you! Better, all the elements are playable (well, more or less depending on the class).

Which class to manage the PvM?

All are viable, and from my point of view, there are actually 2-3 classes of little interest, with conversely 2-3 rolling over everything. The variants have added survivability for all and none really suffer in PvM. To resume Dofus, it will only be a question of taking the class that makes you want!

Change class at will if you don’t have a home base yet and take the one that has the best gameplay in your opinion. It’s nice to have an effective class, but if you don’t like playing it, or can’t figure it out, there’s no point.

The farm, but not that much!

To properly resume the game, you must understand that this is no longer the version you have known. For 1.29 veterans, give priority to achievements/quests rather than on the farm. Dofus is not more of a grind game pure and raw. He is often (aka all the time) more profitable to do quests and achievements, dungeons, monsters or others. The gains in kamas and experience are significant. the Ice Dofus, for example, gives you a small fortune in both yellow currency and ice kamas.

Moreover, speaking of Dofus, they are all on a quest, including the Vulbis. New ones have been added and an update has even enhanced their effects. The Abyssal Dofus, for example, now gives 1 AP if you start your turn in contact with an enemy or 1 MP if there is no one there. A good objective for resuming the game can be to collect all the Dofus!

Besides that, low-level progression is much more enjoyable. For your first character, avoid PL at all costs and go type quests in areas with a level lower than or equal to yours. At level 130, we have for example Saharach or Pandala. From level 90, Sidimote’s quests. Alignment quests are also to be launched as soon as possible to progress as you go. As a reminder, you will need to have reached 100 to unlock a stage of the Ivory Dofus.

Make kamas to get back to Dofus, a little lost?

The means of making kamas have multiplied! There are so many in-game resources and possible activities that it doesn’t never been so easy to reach the kamas to exchange 1100 ogrines in a single account (or 1000 if you subscribe continuously). However, we recommend that you finance your first payment with €, so as not to depend too much on kamas. One Novice package, if you have never taken it, is available for 4€. Rather practical, it allows you to benefit from an essential Companion, Lumino, and a month of subscription at a reduced price. This offer is also available for 4000ogrines (less interesting).

For the kamas, we had an overhaul of professions, making them easier and more comfortable to build, with more resources to harvest and more profitable crafts! The HDV have been merged. You also get extra slots if you’re Omega level!

I want to resume Pvp on Dofus

The meta has changed a lot and is a bit unstable following the ebony/ivory nerf. If your date stuffbefore 2018, we advise you to take a look at dofusbook or consult our guides to get up to date. If you are interested in tournaments, the KTA is there for you! Events are offered continuously, with Bronze, Gold and Silver leagues in parallel. The new season arrives in February and it’s a great opportunity to prove yourself, alone (via the multi-account) or with friends.

Otherwise, the Kolossium will do just fine. It is now inter server and offers 3v3 or 1v1 clashes. Classes are very present and a bit cancerous (Sacrieur, Sadida), but you still manage to find interesting fights.

Some balancing on the latest version of Dofus…

4 balancing patches followed in 2.59, 2.60, 2.61 and 2.62. From Osamodas to Cra, the changes are quite noticeable but vary from one class to another. You will still be able to note major overhauls for the Osa and the Rogue, as well as many nerfs to the Cra or the Sacrier.

What happened on the Dofus side since the last time?

The 2010 Dofus is not not the Dofus of 2021. Content is now offered for all levels and several areas have been refurbished. This is the case of Atrub, Sidimote, Cania, Pandala or the Dreggons. Resuming the game will undoubtedly make you return to the latter! In terms of new areas, we can turn to the divine dimensions, offering quests and dungeons from level 130 to 200, Crocuzko from level 200, Saharach from level 90 to 200 or even Frigost.

We also have since 6 new classes added to the roster of 12. Each offers its own gameplay to experiment with, but that’s not all! The 6 primordial Dofus are now obtainable in game via quests and a story has developed around the feat of having collected them! New legendary equipment has also appeared, bringing special effects in combat. For example, La Crocobur steals life at the end of the turn from enemies in contact with you! As for more classic items, each update brings its own little batch of stuff!

Some items from the last update

In the turn of the big features, the Treasure hunts are ideal for the single account, allowing you to do small searches based on clues to recover kamas, experience and sand roses. This resource is found in many crafts, and is therefore rather easy to sell at a good price. For multi-accounts, turn instead to the Infinite Dreams. This is a rogue-like feature, with a lot of replayability, offering you to face monsters from around the world in quite special and tough battles! For those who like wild PvP, Dofus will undergo a redesign of the Bonta and Brakmar cities in 2021, accompanied by an overhaul of the Alliance against Alliance. What are you waiting for to take over Dofus?

For a round year by year in a few words…

  • 2010: Switch to 2.0, Frigost
  • 2011: Dungeon Backup, Modular Dungeons, Rogues and Masqueraiders
  • 2012: Success, Steamers, Almanax
  • 2013: Frigost III, Weapons Redesign
  • 2014: Divine Dimensions, Redesign of Xelor and Feca
  • 2015: Professions overhaul, Quest Turquoise Dofus, Sadida overhaul
  • 2016: Redesign of Interfaces and switch to 16/9, Eniripsa, Osamodas and Sacrier redesigns
  • 2017: Single Account Servers, Spell Variants, Dofus Ivoire
  • 2018: Redesign of low-level content, Ebene Dofus, Infinite Dreams, Kolizeum Leagues
  • 2019: Quest for the Vulbis, Redesign of event content, Balancing
  • 2020: Pandala Redesign
  • 2021: Balancing, End of the Eliocalypse and Rework of Bonta and Brakmar

Mono or multi-account server?

Both are viable, note that the multi server allows more flexibility for future migrations. Also note that in the economy, if you stay single-account, you will have greater facilities to sell your resources obtained with single-account activities (Hunting, Professions) than on a single-account server where everyone is single-account.

On the server side, only Merkator remains at the population level. Agride and Mériana remain unbeatable, but you can also look to Ush for PvP. For more details, you can consult our article on the subject.

Try new things

Dofus is now much more than its version 2. You obviously have Dofus Retro and Dofus Touch, but also unique game modes. Temporis are temporary servers appearing once or twice a year with related mechanics. For example, Temporis 3 was focused around PvP and the brakmar fight against Bonta, while the rise of the scrollmancers, or Temporis, completely changed the class definition with the possibility of recovering spells of all classes via drop or successes !

Finally, there are also the classic Heroic and Epic. The first is now spread over 2 servers, Oto Mustam and Thanaténa. Death remains permanent in PvP and PvM. For a less stressful experience, go instead to Shadow, the epic server. Death is only final in PvM, but always with increased xp and gain. You can play it in single or multi-account, but only if you are already experienced enough.

Is the population of Dofus still decreasing?

No, it is stable and apart from Merkator it is quite high. The servers have been merged and, at least for the French speakers, are all clearly superior in population compared to the old ones. 2020 and 2021 with the confinements have created a wave of returns and it’s the right time to play Dofus!

Having fun is the real priority

Take your time and don’t force yourself to play. Dofus, even though it’s a fairly demanding MMO, is a game. You have no obligation to stay and your character will still be there when you return, whether your break lasts a day or months. Finding friends is a great way to motivate yourself and have fun playing, so do it as soon as possible to avoid this kind of situation!

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