Retirement: what will change for you with the next reform

This article is from Capital magazine

Abolition of special schemes, increase in small pensions to 1,000 euros per month, and extension of the working life … the three ingredients of the pension reform promised in mid-July by Emmanuel Macron, and conditioned to the end of the health crisis, are known. No one knows, on the other hand, if the president and probable candidate for re-election will really decide to launch it. But one thing is certain: you might as well prepare for the next one! As you will discover in this complete file, the slimming treatment promised to the special diets will not be enough, in fact, to quickly reduce their cost, estimated at 16 billion euros per year.

As for the Covid, it has permanently damaged the accounts of the Social Security. Thus the deficit of the old age branch, of 3.7 billion euros for 2021, will reach another 2.5 billion next year. It is not better on the side of supplementary pensions: the Agirc-Arrco is now struggling to revalue them as much as inflation, while the Corem, an optional points scheme, has decided to cut its pensions altogether. In short, we will still have to fill in the gaps.

We bet that this next reform, which will follow the presidential election, will have no other choice but to play with the age of departure, as well as with the duration of contributions. As the ten profiles drawn up exclusively for this dossier show, the potion will then be particularly bitter. Some contributors will find themselves working two to four more years, while obtaining a level of pension, compared to their last earned income, 5 to 10 points lower than they could hope for without reform.

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These worrying projections undoubtedly explain the dazzling success of the individual retirement savings plan, the PERin, which has already won over 2 million savers in two years. It appears, along with other equally powerful products, in our guide to the best retirement investments to take out. And this, whether you are 45, 35 or 25 years old … and therefore have time to undergo several more reforms!

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