Return to full class on Monday for the 4th and 3rd still in half-gauge in fifteen departments

Classes again in full force. The Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, announced on Europe 1, Friday, that the pupils of 4e and 3e who, since May 3, followed half-gauge courses in the fifteen departments most affected by the epidemic would be back in the entire class from Monday, May 31.

Government spokesman Gabriel Attal confirmed that 100% of these students will return to class as early as next week.

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“There was a half-gauge applied to the 4e and 3e in about fifteen departments most affected by the virus. From next week, we come back to this half-gauge. Classes will resume 100% on Monday », he said. The half-gauge, however, remains maintained in high schools, he said.

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A return to campus hoped for “100% face-to-face”

On the side of higher education, while the first post-baccalaureate admission results were posted online Thursday evening, Minister Frédérique Vidal, questioned by The Parisian, hope “A 100% face-to-face return” on campuses. According to the minister, “1,530,000 admission proposals have been sent since Thursday evening to 931,000 candidates. That is 100,000 more than last year ”.

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Some 635,000 high school students are registered this year on the platform for access to higher education, as well as 182,000 students in reorientation, 89,000 people resuming studies and 25,000 applicants educated abroad.

The World with Reuters