revaluation, approaches… What changes in April for the eco-PTZ

A decree of March 29, 2024 enacts the changes relating to eco-PTZ. Revaluation of the ceilings for certain coupled co-PTZs, facilitation of procedures for certain borrowers… Here is what has changed since April 1, 2024.

Change for co-PTZ! As a reminder, this assisted loan is intended for owners who wish to finance energy renovation work in their home. Available since 2009, the eco-PTZ was extended until December 31, 2027 by article 71 of the finance law for 2024. An extension is accompanied by several changes.

While the date of entry into force for these modifications was to be set by decree no later than April 1, 2024, it is now done: a decree of March 29, 2024 came to clarify the new modalities of eco-PTZ.

First change: since April 1, 2024, third-party financing companies, such as Centre-Val de Loire Energies or Bordeaux Métropole energies, are now authorized to grant eco-PTZ. As a reminder, these are companies whose objective is to simplify the household renovation process. These operators, supported by local authorities, offer support for carrying out the work, which can be integrated into a financing offer. Until now, only banks having signed an agreement with the state could issue the eco-PTZ.

Two ceilings raised to 50,000 euros for coupled co-PTZs

In addition, additional co-PTZs, subscribed within 5 years following the issuance of the first loan, can now be subscribed regardless of the nature of the work. Until now, only certain works were eligible.

The decree also revalues ​​two ceilings for co-PTZs coupled with subsidies from the National Housing Agency (Anah) and MaPrimeRnov’. Thus, owners who have benefited from assistance from Anah in the fight against energy poverty see the ceiling increase from 20,000 to 50,000 euros.

The ceiling also increases to 50,000 euros (compared to 30,000 euros until now), for co-PTZ subscribed to finance work to improve the energy performance of housing which gave access to MaPrimeRnov’.

Finally, the decree facilitates the procedures of borrowers who have received a subsidy from Anah. As for applicants for a co-PTZ coupled with MaPrimeRnov’, the latter can apply the decision to grant the Anah subsidy to obtain payment of the co-PTZ. No need to produce additional descriptions, quotes or invoices to obtain this loan.

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