Ripple (XRP) and Binance, the targets of phishing attacks: these hackers want your cryptos

Crypto scam in sight – This is a frequent phenomenon in our still fledgling ecosystem. The crypto scams and other attacks are a scourge that plagues the world of cryptocurrencies, whether on the scale of France, or even on a global scale. Today we will dwell on this band of crooks who are no exception. His goal ? To impersonate Ripple or Binance and targeting XRP holders via phishing attacks.

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XRP staking on Binance and Ripple: watch out for phishing attacks

We learn it in the lines of CoinTelegraph. Scammers posing as Ripple Where Binance and target XRP holders via deceptive staking programs. Users receive emails and messages via social networks urging them to participate in a program that promises high returns of up to 31%. Spoiler: it doesn’t exist. Especially since staking is impossible on Ripple which does not natively manage the Proof of Stake (PoS). It is a blockchain that uses Proof of Correctness.

Moreover, so that users do not have too much time to think about their actions, the scammers press their client’s decision into the email. Thus they state that only the first 10,000 accounts will receive a higher ROI. Spoiler: that too doesn’t exist.

However, once users send their XRP to the given address, they are no longer able to retrieve it. It is a phishing attack, phishing through an internet address disguised as an official address.

Scammers impersonate Ripple or Binance and steal your XRP – Source: PandaRippleXRP, Twitter

Very quickly, the reaction of the community was not long in coming, quite the contrary. Tweets on social media began to sound the alarm so that XRP holders put their crypto safe. Furthermore, we also note that Ripple and Binance never ask users to deposit funds to addresses that are not officially linked to their respective platforms.

Phishing attacks will therefore be no exception for this year 2023. An already very unfortunate year for many wallets which are being relieved of their cryptocurrencies, it is always important to realize the importance of do your own research before depositing funds anywhere. You can lose everything. This is the case of this man who lost the NFTs of a life in one click on Google. So, above all, remember to have a healthy computer hygiene.

In crypto, do not economize on caution! So, to keep your crypto assets safe, the best solution is still a personal hardware wallet. At Ledger, there is something for all profiles and all cryptos. Do not wait to put your capital in safety (commercial link)!

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