Ritsch ratsch, ouch? Tips to make shaving easier

Ritsch ratsch, ouch?
Tips to make shaving easier

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About every other day we stand in the bathroom and try to get rid of annoying hair under our arms and on our legs. And what sounds so simple often turns out to be a challenge. These tricks make it easier.

When you’re not waxing or using a laser to keep your hair in check, shaving is a regular routine. And depending on how the skin is at the moment, the whole procedure can be easy or difficult. Luckily, there are a few tricks that help against itching, red skin and ingrown hairs.

Shaving is no longer annoying

1. Preparation is everything!

Stop, stop, stop! Before you immediately reach for the razor, you should prepare the skin for it. Warm water opens the pores and the hair can be removed more easily. Exfoliating before shaving is great, especially if your skin is easily irritated or reddened. Dead skin cells can no longer clog the razor and it can remove hairs faster and easier. Small bonus: the legs feel even more supple.

4. Direction of growth and such

Don’t know yet? The direction in which your hair grows makes a huge difference when you shave. The hair on the legs is thinner, so it can be shaved against the direction of growth. Under the arms and in the intimate area, the hair is thicker and the skin is often more sensitive. If you shave against the direction of growth, you risk unnecessary skin irritation.

3. The thing with the blades

First, don’t just leave the razor in the shower. And not just because the blade could rust (these things aren’t cheap either), but because bacteria and fungi make themselves comfortable on it, which in the worst case can get to our skin (yuck!). So instead of just leaving the razor in the shower, it’s better to dry it off and store it somewhere where it won’t get wet.
And while we’re on the subject of blades: From now on we won’t use blunt blades anymore, I promise?! At worst, you’ll cut yourself faster, irritate your skin, and let’s not even get started on the thorough (or rather messy) shaving results. Blunt blades just end up in the trash can!

4. The care afterwards

Mission accomplished, done shaving. The care afterwards is just as important as the right blades. Treat your legs to a great smelling body lotion. You should wait a while after shaving with deodorant under your armpits, otherwise it will burn quite a bit. There are extra care lotions for the sensitive intimate area that don’t give itching and razor bumps a chance.

5. Oh noo, razor bumps

Speaking of razor bumps: now it happened, crap! Especially in the bikini zone, razor bumps spread faster than we would like. And here the rule is: be careful. Rule number one is don’t touch it! Rule number two is calm down. A warm towel on the affected areas helps, for example. An aloe vera lotion has a cooling effect and moisturizes so that nothing starts to itch. In the case of larger inflammations, he likes to see a dematologist, but in the case of smaller pimples it simply means: take care, close your eyes and go through with it.


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