robbery murder? – Online car sales escalated – Where is the body?

Criminalists and the public prosecutor’s office are currently keeping information about the case covered, but now more and more details about a mysterious criminal case in Salzburg are becoming known. A car sale on the Internet could have preceded a suspected bloody deed. However, no body has been found to date. There is no trace of the victim.

The investigation began after a man – according to “Krone” information it is said to be an Iraqi – was reported missing by a relative. In the course of the investigation, it turns out that the missing person wanted to sell his black BMW X6 on an Internet platform at the end of last year. A person contacted the man and expressed interest, said Marcus Neher, spokesman for the prosecutor. Since then, there has been no trace of the seller. The missing person’s mobile phone is a mystery The missing person’s mobile phone was still logged in on the night of January 3 in the area of ​​Salzburg’s Untersberg, the municipality of Nussdorf am Haunsberg and near Maria Plain on the outskirts of Salzburg – then the phone disappeared from the web. However, the iPhone XS Max was switched on again two weeks later, on January 15, 2023 at 11:26 a.m. in the Salzburg-Aigen, Elsbethen or Glasenbach area. The police assume that someone has found and activated the phone and asks the finder (or other people who can provide information about the cell phone) to contact the Salzburg State Criminal Police Office (Phone: 05913350-3333) .One person is in custody “The presumed buyer was arrested on January 22nd and the BMW was seized. Due to the circumstances, it is assumed that the man is strongly suspected of having committed a crime. The car could have been taken from the victim by force and the man could have died,” said Neher. The suspect is not Austrian, is in custody and has not confessed. Based on the evidence, however, there is much to suggest that he and the BMW are directly related to an act. Investigations are currently underway on suspicion of aggravated robbery resulting in death. The police are also asking the public for information as to whether someone stole the black-painted BMW X6 with the Austrian license plate S-381WH between Monday, January 2, 2023, 12 p.m. and Tuesday, January 3, 2023 January 2023, 3:00 p.m. or can provide information about the vehicle for this period.
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