Royals: Queen Silvia is sick! Short-term cancellation of your trip to Dubai

Queen Silvia is sick! Short-term cancellation of your trip to Dubai

© Dana Press

News about the royals in the GALA ticker: Queen Silvia has to cancel trip to Dubai due to illness +++ Norwegian palace gives health update to Princess Mette-Marit.

News about the royals in the GALA ticker

December 13, 2021

Queen Silvia of Sweden has to cancel all appointments

At the Nobel Prize ceremony on December 10, 2021, Queen Silvia, 77, drew everyone’s attention with her dreamy velvet robe. Now the Swedish monarch is sick and has to cancel her planned trip to Dubai at short notice. However, the palace statement to the Swedish magazine “Svensk Damtidning” on December 13th raises questions …

Sweden’s royal couple Carl Gustaf, 75, and Silvia should originally have spent three days – from December 14 to 16, 2021 – in Dubai. Nothing will come of it now. “The queen has a cold and isn’t [nach Dubai] traveled “, explains court spokeswoman Ulrika Näsholm. What is astonishing: According to reports, Silvia’s participation in the Dubai trip had already been removed from the Swedish calendar in the early evening of December 10th. Why is the news only now that Silvia will not be traveling? Was she still at the Nobel Prize ceremony? According to “Svensk Damtidning”, Näsholm did not want to comment on Silvia’s symptoms of the disease. It is also currently unknown whether the queen was tested for corona.

Now King Carl is traveling alone to the World Expo 2020 in the Emirate of Dubai, where Sweden is also represented with its own pavilion on the subject of sustainability.

Princess Mette-Marit: Your corona test is negative

Breathe a sigh of relief in Norway! The palace gives the all-clear: Princess Mette-Marit, 48, has not been infected with the corona virus. Concern for the wife of heir to the throne Prince Haakon, 48, was great after she had to cancel her participation in the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony on December 10, 2021 in Oslo. There was talk of strong cold symptoms. That made the worried Norwegians sit up and take notice, after all, Mette-Marit suffers from a chronic lung disease and thus belongs to the risk group.

Sven Gjeruldsen, deputy head of communications at the Norwegian court, told the newspaper “Dagbladet” that the princess had not been infected with Covid-19 – a piece of relief. Three years ago it became known that Mette-Marit was suffering from chronic pulmonary fibrosis. The disease causes scar tissue to form between the alveoli, causing the lungs to harden. In the meantime, the treatment options are good, reports the magazine “Svensk Damtidning”, and a lung transplant is also one of the options.

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