RSA, APL, PAJE… Why the amount of your aid paid by CAF is recalculated in January

Like every year in January, the CAF recalculates your rights to the various benefits by taking into account your 2022 income for the year 2024. Here is what will change for you.

In January, the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) carries out a new calculation of your rights based on your income two years ago. For 2024, it is therefore based on 2022 income and on the new scales applicable to social and family benefits.

The resource ceilings taken into account to receive family allowances in 2024, paid by the CAF or the agricultural social mutuality, have been increase of 5.3% to take into account the rise in consumer prices. Inflation which rose to 5.2% in 2022 according to INSEE. In 2023, these ceilings increased by 1.6% compared to 2022.

Thanks to this calculation, the amount of benefits paid in February for the month of January can increase or decrease, or even remain the same depending on the evolution of the beneficiary’s resources.

RSA, AAH, APL… The 3 dates where CAF transfers are postponed to 2024

Following this new calculation, the amount of benefits remains the same from January 1 to December 31 unless you report a change in your professional or family situation (loss or return to employment, birth, marriage, separation, etc.). As the RSA, the activity bonus, the quarterly allowance for disabled adults and even housing assistance are recalculated every 3 months, their amount is likely to change during the year.

Without knowing it, you may be able to benefit from active solidarity income (RSA), housing assistance or even the activity bonus. Taking into account new resource ceilings is a good opportunity to carry out a simulation and discover that you may be entitled to certain aid. Go to My steps to check it now!, specifies the CAF website.

The new income limits

For example: to benefit from the maximum family allowance for two dependent children, the household tax reference income must not exceed 74966 euros and 81212 euros with three children charge. For those who have more than 3 dependent children, the ceiling is increased by 6,246 euros per additional dependent child. The new amounts will be paid from February.

As shown in the table below, a household with two children with resources of less than 74,966 euros will receive 141.99 euros per month in family allowances, compared to 35.50 euros for a household with income above 94,893 euros.

You can find the full scale of resource ceilings on the CAF website.

Furthermore, the resource ceiling for receiving the birth or adoption bonus is set at 27,833 euros for the period from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024, compared to 26,432 euros for 2023. The ceiling relating to the back-to-school allowance (ARS) is him, fixed 20878euros against 19827euros for the current year.

Birth bonus, back-to-school allowance… ceilings rising in 2024

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